25. The Battle for Hermione

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"I can't believe how difficult this is. How am I ever going to find these Horcruxes?' Harry thought.


"What if it wasn't something connected to the founders or the school? What if we are on the wrong track? What if—'


"What Ron?" Harry said irritably as he was brought out of his musings.

"Something's happened..."

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Harry heard the fear in Ron's voice and sat up, looking over to where Ron was standing, blocking his view of Hermione. He jumped up and moved beside Ron, taking in the look of worry on his face.

There, sitting in the chair was Hermione, staring vacantly into space. Harry collapsed onto his knees in front of her, his chest constricted with fear. He knew what had happened, even if he didn't want to believe it. Suddenly, he felt like he was in the Chamber of Secrets again, only this time it was Hermione who was in danger.

"Ron, what happened?" Harry asked. He touched Hermione's hand. It was already becoming cold.

"I...I don't know. Hermione had put the tiara on her head, then...you said the spell, and it had this white glow, and then she just...stopped." Ron reached out to gently touch her shoulder.

Harry had to resist the urge to push him away. He had to help her, had to stop her from dying...

"Is this how Ginny looked? In the chamber? When you found her?" Ron whispered fearfully. He's in there, isn't he? Possessing her..." Ron trailed off.

Harry nodded unable to speak as he was taken back to that dark time in the Chamber.

"No," said Harry sharply as he stood up. "He's not taking her. We need to get her back."

'I won't be able to live without her...' he thought

He reached for the tiara and tried to pull it off.

"It won't come off," Harry said.

He picked her up carefully and headed towards Hermione's bedroom.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't we go to the hospital wing?" Ron asked as he followed Harry.

"They won't be able to help her, I've got to get inside to see if I can find her," Harry replied. "Dumbledore was telling me about this; it was something he was teaching me about. Voldemort is trying to take over her soul, and if he is successful..." he couldn't bring himself to say it.

"What do you want me to do?" Ron asked as he opened the door for Harry.

"You need to stand guard. Last time Ginny started to...to die, Tom's spirit came back. I need you to protect us," Harry explained as he gently laid Hermione on the bed.

"You want me to face V-Vol...You Know Who?" Ron gasped.

"Yes, Ron, but you only need to face his spirit. His spirit, not the...creature he is now. Keep him away from us and your wand." Harry turned to face his best friend. "He won't have a wand and he won't be too sure about what's happening yet. Hopefully I can do something before he becomes too solid."

"Too solid?" Ron spluttered "Harry, maybe I should go get Lupin, or McGonagall—"

"Ron! There's no time! Look at her! She's dying! I have to stop him!" Harry could feel himself panicking at the loss of time so far.

Ron looked over to where Hermione was lying, her face a deathly white, and took a deep breath.

"Okay, but if we can't do this, I get Lupin, agreed?"

Harry Potter and the Desideratum Crusade [Harmione]Where stories live. Discover now