52. The Taking of Hogwarts

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Bellatrix Lestrange was beside herself with rage. Her plans of handing over a room full of hostages to the Dark Lord had just disappeared. She couldn't disappoint him, not after the things he promised her...

She shuddered inwardly; the only outward sign of her fear was the slight twitch of her eye. She remembered the last time she had failed him. He didn't forgive easily, and she was not willing to give up her position because of someone's stupidity. Someone was going to pay for this, and it wasn't going to be her.

"I want control of those wards! Find the Headmistress! Look for any stragglers! Cage them all!" Bellatrix shrieked at the scurrying Death Eaters. "Except these three. I have something special for them," she laughed.

She wasn't allowed to kill them, but the Dark Lord had suggested something to her that she was more than willing to try. The thought gave her delicious shivers down her spine, and her maniacal smile was unsettling to those watching.

Hermione felt her stomach churn, and for the second time that night, she was glad she hadn't eaten anything.

"Your wands," Snape said as he approached the three and held his hand out.

When they didn't respond right away, one of the Death Eaters came forward and grabbed Ginny's shoulder, expertly applying pressure to the nerves there.

"Now," he growled, "or I squeeze harder."

Ginny gasped as she frantically searched for her wand and handed it over. Her eyes were brimming with tears of shame and pain. Ron and Hermione reluctantly followed suit.

"Chain them," Bellatrix said as she pointed her wand at the wall.

Three sets of chains appeared, and Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were dragged none too gently to the wall. Rough hands secured the manacles to their wrists, holding them so that their toes barely touched the floor. It was not long before they began to groan from the pain in their shoulders and feet.

"Now this I like," Bellatrix said as she came closer. "Where's itty bitty baby Potter?" she asked as she came face to face with Ron.

"Go to Hell," Ron said.

Bellatrix backhanded him across the face. "Wrong answer," she said. "Now I'll ask you again. Where is he?"

Ron glared at her, but said nothing.

"Hmm," Bellatrix said as she tapped her chin. "Obviously I'm not convincing you enough. Rabastan, my dear brother in-law, would you like to do the honors?"

The three watched as one of the Death Eaters shuffled over to where they were chained. He walked with a bit of a limp, and he had a crazed look about him, like one who didn't necessarily have a sane thought left in his head.

"Rabastan takes great pleasure in other people's pain," Bellatrix said. " It's why we get along so well."

Rabastan leered at them as he took his wand out, and Ron took a deep breath, fearful of what was to come.

"Crucio!" Rabastan shouted with glee, and cackled in delight as Ron screamed and arched off of the wall, the cuffs biting into his wrists. Bellatrix shrieked in laughter and clapped her hands in delight.

Hermione closed her eyes and looked away, sobbing as she heard Ron cry in pain. She speculated briefly if Harry had reacted the same way when Voldemort had tortured him, which led her to wonder what happened to him. Was he still alive? She shut that thought down quickly. She didn't want to think about it.

"Stop!" Ginny sobbed, "Please stop!"

Bellatrix waved off her brother in-law and moved to stand in front of Ginny. Ron collapsed against the chains, head hanging, eyes closed, and breathing hard. Hermione stole a glance at him, and could see the pain etched across his face.

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