36. The House of Gaunt

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Harry woke with a start and realized that he was late. He rushed to get ready, cursing himself for the loss of time. Now he wouldn't be able to speak to Hermione and Ron until later. The last time he had been tardy in his meeting with Moody, the Auror had really taken it out on him.

He was rushing down the final stairway to the Great Hall, intent on grabbing a piece of toast, when it hit him. An intense pain exploded from his scar, causing his knees to buckle and he stumbled down the last few steps. He leaned against the wall, eyes tightly closed as he pushed the palm of his hand against his forehead. Voldemort was thoroughly pissed off, and he figured that he knew why. Obviously he had received word about the Burrow.

He took a few deep breaths and focused on pushing the pain away. As it receded, he opened his eyes to find a startling pair of blue eyes watching him.

"I'm fine," he said automatically before Luna could ask.

She smiled at him as she moved towards the staircase.

"You will be," she said as she left.

Harry watched her go for a moment. Before shaking his head and turning back towards the Great Hall. He reached the Gryffindor table and grabbed a few slices of toast and poured himself some pumpkin juice. His eyes slid down the table, looking for his friends, who he saw were watching him. As soon as they made eye contact, Hermione began to gather her books and Ron went back to shoveling the last of his breakfast down his throat. He made his way down the length of the table to stand behind them. They turned around as he cleared his throat, and suddenly Harry didn't know what to say. Ron raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to speak. Harry looked from him to Hermione to see that she was watching him warily.

"I...uh...I wanted to apologize for my behavior last night," he said as he watched her. "To both of you," he added, sliding his eyes over to Ron before looking back to Hermione. "I've had a lot on my mind these past few weeks, not...not that it should excuse my behavior, but..."

'I love you,' he thought, but he couldn't say it. Not here, and not now, not with the way she was looking at him.

Suddenly he was lost in the sorrow of Hermione's beautiful brown eyes. He realized that he had done that to her, and he felt his chest tighten. He sat down in front of her and grabbed her hands to still them from packing her bag. Hermione stiffened from the contact, and Harry realized that his actions from the past few weeks had caused a huge rift.

"I am sorry," he said to her. "I don't know what else to say."

Hermione slowly withdrew her hands and put her last book away.

"It's a start," she said as she made a move to go.

"Wait!" Harry said, grabbing at her school robe to stop her. "Can we meet back in our common room after classes this afternoon?"

Hermione looked from Harry to Ron, and Harry thought he saw something pass between them. She gave a slight nod.

"We'll be there," she said as she left.

Ron gulped down the last of his juice before picking up his books.

"Does this mean you're going to be a bit more civil now?" he asked.

"Yeah," Harry said. "I promise."

"Good," Ron said as he stood up. "I would hate to have to knock your block off for hurting Hermione again."

Harry watched him catch up to Hermione and put an arm around her shoulders as they exited the Hall. His heart lurched at the sight, and deep down he felt a fear that he was too late. He had lost her to Ron. Harry cursed himself as he stood up to go. He looked up as he heard a familiar clumping sound heading his way, and winced. Moody did not look overly pleased that he had to come and find Harry. He sighed in resignation. It was going to be another tough lesson. He just hoped that he didn't land in the hospital ward again.

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