11. Testing, Testing, One, Two, Three...

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On the morning of his Apparition test, Mr. Weasley had offered to take Harry to the Ministry of Magic with him. It reminded Harry of the time when he had to go for his hearing. At least he knew what the outcome would be this time. They arrived with plenty of time to spare, and Mr. Weasley left Harry in the Atrium after making Harry promise he would let him know how he had done. After Harry registered his wand with Ernie, he headed down to level six and found the door that said 'Apparition Test Center'. He entered the tiny office and registered himself with the stern looking witch behind the counter.

Soon, he heard "Potter, Harry," and jumped up. He turned and saw it was Wilkie Twycross, the same teacher they had lessons with at Hogwarts. He smiled at Harry, and beckoned for him to come with him.

"Follow me please," he said.

'Destination, Determination, Deliberation,' Harry though as he followed the instructor.

They went down a hall to a door with the number seven on it. Mr. Twycross opened the door, to a large room, about the size of a Quiddich field at Hogwarts. There were several raised platforms around the room, and the room had been magically transformed so it looked like they were standing in a large meadow somewhere. Harry could see trees off in the distance, and feel a slight breeze against his face. If he hadn't known he was on the sixth level under ground, he would have thought they were really outside.

"Now, Mr. Potter," Mr. Twycross said, "I am going to give you instructions for your Apparition test. You will follow these instructions to their completion, at which time I will be able to assess your ability to Apparate. Do you have any questions at this time?"

"Uh...no," said Harry.

"Good. Then let's get started shall we? As you can see, each platform had a number. You are to Apparate to each platform in this order," he handed Harry a piece of paper. "As you Apparate, I will be informed if your entire body made it to the next platform, and if you are following the correct order. If any piece of you is splinched, the Emergency Apparition will come into effect, and you will be returned back to the starting point to connect with all of your missing parts, the test will be terminated, and you will fail."

Harry nodded, looking at the paper and then looked for the numbered platforms.

"Whenever you are ready, Mr. Potter," Mr. Twycross said as he moved back.

Harry stepped up to the first platform and looked for the number three.

Three D's, he thought, as he focussed on the platform and imagined himself there.

With a small pop, he was standing on the platform. He smiled to himself as he looked for platform number five, and with a small pop, he was gone again. He quickly went through each platform and found it was getting easier as the test wore on. Before he knew it, he was back at the first platform, tired, but satisfied.

"Well done Mr. Potter! Well done! And so quick! I am happy to announce that you have arrived complete, and that you have passed. Congratulations," Mr. Twycross grinned, as he signed the parchment. "Take this back to the front office so they can register you. You are now legally allowed to Apparate. Make sure you pick up a brochure on your way out that gives you more safety information about Apparating."

"Thank-you, sir," Harry said as he left. He picked up the brochure, 'The Responsibilities of Safe Apparition', and headed for Mr. Weasley's office. After congratulations from Mr. Weasley and Kinglsey Shacklebolt, he decided to Apparate back to the Burrow. He went to the Apparition point, and arrived just outside the Quiddich field a few minutes later. Ron, Ginny, and Hermione watched him from the porch as he walked towards the house with a huge grin on his face. It disappeared, though, when he saw that Ginny was trying to wipe her red swollen eyes. Hermione shook her head slightly, and Harry stopped, as Hermione led Ginny into the house. Ron jumped off the porch and came towards him.

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