39. Ron's Battle

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He was sitting in the stands of a Quidditch match. The people around him were screaming, "Weasley! Weasley!" and waving banners bearing a golden crown with a red 'W' on it.

"Isn't he just the best?" he heard a dreamy voice say, and he turned to find Hermione sitting next to him.

For a moment he was confused, had he pulled her in with him? Then he saw some of the other Gryffindor girls giggling and pointing, and he sighed in relief as he realized that the simpering female beside him was not his Hermione, it was the one that Ron had conjured up. Suddenly a roar went up in the crowd and Hermione squealed.

"Oh look! He did it again! He caught the snitch as he knocked the quaffle away from the ring!"

Harry rolled his eyes as Hermione pulled him down the stands and on to the field where the throngs of fans were surrounding Ron and hoisting him on to their shoulders.

"Oi! Harry!" he called as he tossed his broom at him, "haven't I told you before? If you're going to sit in the stands with my fans, you have to be down here quicker. I don't just trust anybody to look after my Firebolt, you know."

Harry stared at the broom in his hands. He was Ron's equipment boy? He knew that Ron had always dreamed of being in the spotlight, but this was ridiculous. He made a face. He had to get through this as quickly as possible.

"Ron!" Harry called. "We need to talk."

"Not now Harry," he said as he waved to some of his fans. "Coach wants me to meet that starlet, you know, the one with the incredible body. Hey! Maybe she has a friend for you," he said with a wink.

"Ron—" Harry said as he tried to get closer.

"Here!" Ron said as he threw his gloves at Harry. "Make sure you treat them well. Big game tomorrow."

Before Harry could say anything else, Ron had disappeared around the corner with his entourage. He bent down to pick up the gloves, and when he straightened, he thought he saw the ghostly figure of Luna standing in the bleachers.

"Luna?" he called, but the figure disappeared. After a moment, he trudged towards the change rooms and made his way through the groups of reporters trying to get pictures of Ron.

"Hey kid!" one of them called. "How much do you want for the broom and gloves? Would you be interested in making a statement? What do you think about the rumor about Weasley being caught in a compromising position with the twin Veelas?"

Harry ignored the calls and questions and slid past everyone to get inside the changing room. He could see Ron laughing and joking with some of the reporters. He scanned the room, knowing that Voldemort couldn't be far away. A man suddenly appeared out of the shadows, shooing the reporters away, and Harry realized just who 'coach' was. He turned and their eyes met across the room.

"Who are you?" he asked menacingly.

"Don't you remember coach?" Ron said as he walked past and dropped his Quidditch uniform on Harry's arms. "Harry's my equipment boy."

"As long as he doesn't interfere," Voldemort growled. "I have big plans for you."

"Naw, Harry's my mate," Ron said as he headed for the showers. "He only has my best interest at heart."

"You've got that right," Harry said.

"Time to go clean the jock straps," Voldemort said as he pushed Harry out the door.

Harry turned and watched as everything changed. He was standing in a bar, the music blaring and the place was crowded. In the center of the bar, holding court was Ron, surrounded by several beautiful girls. Harry made his way over to where they were sitting, keeping an eye out for Voldemort. He knew he had to be here somewhere.

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