Chapter 7

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Back at the hotel I try to call her again but she doesn't answer.
Mom and dad called dinner off, we are with the parents of Alison.
My phone rings, it's an unknown number

'hello?' It's silent for a few seconds
'who is this?' But no answer, I hear a man speaking on the background
'hello.. Alicia? I cant believe it's you, after all those years I finally hear your voice again'

I hear a girl scream on the background, is that Alison?
Before the man could say something else I hang up, how did he know my name, did Alison tell him?

'what is it?! Who was that?!' Alison's parents ask together
'I don't know... but I heard a girl scream on the background, it could be Alison.. And that man, that man knows my name..'
'what man?!' My dad ask
'I don't know' 
'how can you not know!' My dad and Alison's parents yell
'I'm sorry I didn't ask a strange person how he knows my name when someone is screaming in the background!' I yell back

I storm out of the room and go outside. How is this suddenly my fault? They also know her ''friends''.
I sit on a couch by the water and play with my necklace, there is a guy coming towards me and sits down, why do I have the feeling I know him?

'hi, how are you?' He ask
'uhm.. I'm fine thanks and you?'
'also' he says

The wind is starting to blow, it's getting colder, I rub my arm for warmth.

'you're cold?' He asks 
'yes a little' I say

He puts his Jacket around me, weird but sweet, I give him a little smile.

'what's your name?' I ask
'Joel and yours?'

Wait what?! No he can't be, can he?

'Alicia, nice to meet you' I try to say as normal as possible

There is silence for a few minutes, he looks at me and notice my necklace, maybe now I can see if he my brother is or just a person with the same name.

'where did you get that necklace from?' He ask
'uh.. My parents got it me' 

What am I supposed to say? Oh I'm adopted and I found an letter with this necklace, it was from my mom and therefore from my grandma.

I don't think that will be smart.

'why?' I ask
'well, I know the necklace, I've seen it in pictures first my grandma had it and then my mother, your necklace looks exactly like it.' He said
'can I?' He ask

I take my necklace of and give it to Joel
Before I could ask him about his family my phone rings.
It's my mom I pick up and she ask where I am and if I could come back, I say yes and hang up.
I stand up.

'that was my mom, I need to go back' I say

I give his jacket back

'can I have my necklace back?' I ask

he doesn't answer 

'oh, yes sure' he said

I wanna grab the necklace but he pulls it back, I look at him asking myself why he doesn't give it back.
He walks towards me and put the necklace around my neck.

'I can walk you back if you want' he says
'sure why not' I say

After 10 minutes we are back at the hotel, I ask him if he wanna come to my room.
When I open the door I see Jackson walking worried through the room.
When we walk in everyone looks at us.

'where have you been?!' My mom yells
'at the Seine' I say calm
'and this is Joel' I say looking my parents strait in the eyes
'hi, nice to meet you' Joel says

Alison's parents are gone so its just us now.
Joel walks over to the desk.

'he was also at the Seine and he said he saw my necklace before' I said to my parents

They didn't say anything, Jackson stands silent at the bed, I can see he already know what I mean.

At my desk are some magazines and books but also the picture, I didn't realize because I'm talking with my parents, I know they know who Joel is, they can't hold this on for long anymore, they know I wanna know them and now I have the change.

'how do you get this picture?' Joel suddenly ask

I look up at him and see he has the picture.

Sorry for not updating but I've been really busy with school, I'll try to publish more soon!! Xx

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