Five : They'll Be Days Like This

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My next session with my psychiatrist was just as buzzare. I wanted to ask Ms. Rose if I can skip my appointment. I wanted to stop going, period. The doctor thinks I'm so dumb, I can't bare to look at him again. As usual I kept my mouth shut and went to my appointment anyways.

"Today, lets begin our session by... tell me, Aaron, how are you on a scale through one and ten?"

One through ten? One through ten, what? The doctor flipped through an open file that I assumed was on me. He began to mumble to himself until he closed the folder. "Well Aaron, how are you?"

I looked down at my fingers in embarrassment, "I-I don't understand the question.." I spoke softly.

The doctor sighed impatiently, "Okay, moving on..." he put on his glasses as he began to read a paper from the file. "You were six years old when your mother sold you for prostitution...," he nodded again, but at me, "... is that correct?"

A bomb exploded inside my stomach. I didn't know how to answer that. Prostitution?Sold me? My mother would never. She simply held out her hand and I took it. My hands began to twitch. Suddenly my entire body felt like rubber.

I stared at his facial movements as he casually replaced the sheet of paper on his desk. I wonder what else does he know about my passed. That sheet he holds in his hand is my life- my terrible, confused life.

"Aaron, why do you think your mother did that? For money maybe? You do remember the incident don't you?"

I remember it as if it were yesterday. He paused for a moment. "Tell me," he added, "How do you feel towards your mother, Aaron? Angry? Sad? Abandoned?"

"Ashton," I said in an iced-cold voice. "My name is Ashton!" I shouted. "I feel fine, in fact I feel amazing!" What kind of shit is this?! This so call doctor can't even get my name right and I'm expected for him to help me! Putting words in my mouth that make no sence! Telling what I should feel! I leaned forward to get up from the chair. I wiped my face as best as I could before I opened the door to leave.

The doctor sprang up from behind his desk. "Alright, you can leave early. We've made progress today. Don't let this upset you. I'll pencil you in for next-"

Slam! I closed the door with all my might.

I ran outside the office as quickly as possible. I can feel my glasses fogging up from the heavy breathing. I ran down the street and turned the corner for the bus stop, as I turned I slammed right into a person causing me to fall to the floor.

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" The girl picked me up from my forearm.

I winced in pain as I stood up and got a good look at her face- Bonnie, oh sweet sweet Bonnie!

"What happened?" She asked in concerned, "Are you running from someone?" She tip toed over my shoulder to see if anyone was chasing me.

I nodded to tired and out of breath to speak. I was just so happy to hear her voice, her face being the only thing keeping me sane.

"Are you sure?" She asked as she moved in closer to me and began to run her fingers up and down my arm.

I nodded yes and looked down at her, whiping the sweat off my forehead. Her hands were so soft.

"Bonnie!" A boy about my height shouted from behind her, "Where you been babe? I've been looking all over for you." Babe? He walked over to us and put his arm over Bonnie's shoulder. "Who's your friend?" He smiled.

"Oh!" She tapped the boy in the stomach, "This is my boyfriend Jack," she introduced him. "Jack this is.. umm.. I'm sorry," Bonnie chuckled, "I never got your name."

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