Eighteen : Pancakes

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Bonnie POV

The fall morning, filled the room with a cold atmosphere. I reached my arm out for Ashton next to me, but I quickly realised the space where his body laid was emptied. My hand desperately and in vain hopes searched for his skin. I opened my eyes to reveal that Ashton was no where to be found; he was gone.

I felt like a worthless scum. I should've known. Just when I finally felt wanted... wanted by Ashton, he took that feeling back. Like if it weren't mine to have. Like if he gave it to me by accident. I took a deep breath and pulled myself together. Don't cry, Bonnie.

Even though I repeated those words in my head multiple times, a tear still managed to roll down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and pulled the covers off me, thank god nobody is home on Sundays or I'll have to explain the sudden gunky feeling of this morning.

I swung my legs over to the edge of the bed and stretched my arms out. I stood up and stepped on a hard, bone like item; it felt like fingers.

"Ow, fuck!" Ashton winced in pain as he lifted his head from the floor.

My heart skipped a beat, and I smiled so widely I felt like my face was going to stretch. "I'm sorry." I chuckled awkwardly. "Are you alright?" I asked as I got on my knees next to him.

Ashton chuckled and sat up, holding his fingers tightly together, "Yeah, I'm okay." He smiled and sat up against the bed, he looked over to me and his smile quickly washed away. "What's wrong? Were you crying?"

I scoffed and wiped my sticky face, I hadn't notice I was crying tears of joy. Happy that Ashton was sitting right in front me, happy that he didn't leave me. "It's nothing." I replied quickly.

He lifted his eyebrows and reached for his glasses on the bedroom drawer, "You're lying." He said simply and glided his glasses up his nose. "Tell me." He smiled.

I shrugged, I never had lied to Ashton, and I'm not going to start now. "Well, you weren't on the bed...and I thought...well..." I struggled to put my feelings into words, afraid that I will come off as clingy and desperate.

He leaned forward and kissed me softly on the cheek, "I'm not going anywhere." He smiled, revealing his adorable dimples, that I grown to love with each smile.

I covered my face in embarrassment and laughed in the palm of my hands. "I'm so stupid." I said.

He shook his head and stood up from the floor, I followed his actions, "No you're not." He reached for my hands and pulled me in for a hug. His bare chest against mine. The only thing between our bodies touching was the Pink Floyd t-shirt I had on. "You're perfect." He said sincerly, as if he really wanted me to believe him.

I hugged him tighter, my arms around his waste. The only feeling of home when I'm with him. I lifted my head as he looked down at me, "Can you stay for breakfast?" I asked, giving my best puppy eyes expression.

He giggled, his laugh giving me butterflies to my stomach, he nodded. "I don't know, your parents kinda scare me," He smiled, and let go of me. "Are you sure they won't get mad? What if they know I slept over!? What if they-"

I covered his mouth playfully, trying to prevent him from having a freak out. "Calm your tits, Ash." I laughed. "My parents work on Sundays and Frida's at her ballet crap." I reassured him.

His chest flattened out and his hand slowly stopped twitching, he slipped it in his shorts pocket anyways. "Okay." He smiled nervously.

I leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips, "Pancakes?"

He nodded, "Pancakes."

I slapped his butt, playfully, "Race ya!?" I suggested and sprint out the bedroom door. The sound of Ashtons laugh quickly followed as we ran down the stairs into the kitchen.

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