Twenty : Ditch Day

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When the boys and I opened the door to go to school this morning, I saw Bonnie's car parked by the side of the curve.

"Oohhh." Michael cooed, his eyes widening, "Looks like Ashbutt is to cool to walk with us to school today." He laughed along with Calum and Luke.

I quickly turned red and bowed my head, "I-I didn't know she was coming.." I said nervously, in hopes that they will forgive me.

Luke chuckled, "Don't worry mate, we get it." He placed his arm around me, "She came to pick all of us up!" He smiled widely and began to walk towards Bonnie's car.

Before I can turn around, Calum quickly ran after him, "Hold up there Long Legs." Michael and I chuckled as they walked back to us, "She's only here for Ashton." He puppied eyed him and pouted his lips.

Luke chuckled, "Well that was embarrassing." He smiled awkwardly, trying to contain state.

I said goodbye to the boys and hopped in the passenger seat next to Bonnie. "Hey." I greeted, un sure whether I should reach over and give her a kiss. I was never the one to take anniciative.

Her lips pouted, "No morning kiss?" She teased, but before I could answer she shrugged her shoulders and turn on the engine.

She's been really good to me when it comes to doing things I'm not ready for. But I'am ready. I want my morning kiss. I reached for her hand that was placed at the steering wheel and gripped it tightly. She looked over to me and bit her botton lip, like when she's nervous. Funny, how I can do that to a person. I closed my eyes and leaned in for a kiss.

We pulled apart a big smile formed across her face. I still can't believe I have the power to that to her; be the reason for that beautiful smile on her face. She turned her head back to the front window and adjusted her seating. "What do you say we skip school today?" She asked as she began to drive down my street.

"Are you serious?" I asked, "Bonnie, I've never been late for school... let alone ditch." I excused. "No way!" I shook my head and rolled down the window a bit, letting the air breeze just an inch of my hair.

We came to a halt at a red light, "Aww c'mon Ashton!" She whined, as if it were something we had to do. "Where's your will to be weird? Let's be adventures?!" She bug eyed in my direction before quickly stepping on the gas again.

Let's be adventures. Something about that phrase makes me rethink about it. Let's be, as if she we were including me in her life long journey to no where. I took a deep breath, "Okay, fine."

She squeeked like a child going to Disneyland, "Yes!" She smiled excitedly, as she reached for the radio, "I got a surprise for you." She hinted and turned the station on.

"You do?" I asked. Another surprise? But why? My hand began to twitch and I quickly slipped it under my thigh out of habit.

She continued to look forward, as the song Paradise City by Guns N' Roses played softly, "Uh- huh!" She smiled, and quickly looked down at my hand. Without taking her eyes off the road, she reached for my twitching hand and intertwined her fingers with mine, "You'll like this surprise." She squeezed my hand tighter, causing it to finally settle down, "I promise."

I nodded, and without realising it, a smile had formed on my face. "Okay." I said more confidently, "Let's be adventures!" I turned the volume up on the radio and rolled down my window.

She laughed at my sudden out- goingness. Truthfully, I can only ever be myself when I'm with her. No secrets. No walls. Just she and I.

Bonnie entered the freeway, and the morning fall air from the rolled down window hit my face hard, at first it was irritated that I had to take off my glasses but soon after, the air was no longer hard and forcefull but a soft breeze.

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