Chapter 6

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Hey guys I'm back to whoever is reading, please do not be a silent reader. I am working on ideas for both my other books. Oh and the reason I have those other books is because sometimes I just come up with random ideas and I'm like oh that would be a good title, so I just do that. The burnt heaven one was when I was talking about my brothers breath, and I was like it smelt like.......everything then I said it smelt like burnt heaven. Haha funny right, ? I know... Ur mean why aren't you laughing? Uggghghghg whatever. Ooooooooooo mmmmmmyyyyyyyyy goooooosh in the other chapter, this big ass paragraph deleted. Noooooooooooooo. But whatever. It was the one in between where they were on

I hear the final bell ring, and I collapse on the fake grass on the football field.

Me Taylor and destiny spent our whole two hours flipping and running around playing tag like a bunch of little kids. I walk back into the double doors with the two, and say our quick goodbyes to them before almost the whole school is empty. Peopel really don't like being in school so they all just hurry out.

For today I'm going to work on my hip hop dancing, so I just hurry to the girls bathroom, and change into my gray sweatpants with one black pocket inmate back. What kind of sweatpants have one pocket? Whatever. I then change into my teal colored crop top, with my purple and pink sports bra. At least Taylor don't have to change this part of my war drop. Remember that bet. You probably didn't. I'm a sweatpants, jeans, or t-shirts kind of girl. But anyway, off topic. I skit down to the dance studio, where it is full of mirrors/ supplies, and girly needs in a hidden space, only the girls know about. Wait hold up a sec........,sorry, I had to get some of those girly needs just then, needed extra.

I take my I pod out of my bag, and since it is a really big space, the school, got a really big speaker. I just let my playlist go, and don't really practice on anything specifically like dancing choreography wise. I just rock out. First, I start stretching for like twenty minutes, doing nothing but sketching my back, and going a lot of flexibility things you won't understand. Time goes by really quickly. When it changes to a fast/ medium song, I crank up he volume, and start busting out with new footwork that Taylor had showed me the other day. When it gets to the verse, and slows down, do a body roll, and outline my waist with my hands. I heard that is you keep running your hands and make an hourglass with you r waist, it gets you more curvier (true story).

I then end it with a song by Beyonce, that I was just now able to get on my phone for some stupid reason. Phones these days. ( wait imagine me as an old lady saying kids these days, but replace it with phones instead of kids) haha funny I know. First I dance mine, then grown woman, moving my hands on my hips.

By the time I'm done with all of the songs, I am sweaty and tired. Both things I don't want to be. I overly contemplate on weather I should take a shower it the locker room, or at home, because for some odd reason I unlike many other people hate taking showers at school. It is so....unnatural. I walk the long distance to my bag on the other side of the wall, and grab my I pod quickly. I take my phone out and see that Taylor has texted me telling me I have that blind date, that she set up for me weeks ago, and just to make it worse, she added it on to what I had to do for the bet. Uhhhhhhhgggggg life.

I text her back saying I will go, even though I really don't want to, because first I'm not in the mood, and second....what if he's ugly? That would be the worse, and because I have only done a handful of mean things in my life, like a lot of little baby mean things. Standing someone up is not going to be on my list. She text me back the time, and tells me to meet him at a small cafe that everyone goes to.

I go home quickly, take a shower, and put on minimum makeup. After,I straitened my hair perfectly, and put it in a high pony tail. I put on a navy blue dress with little white pooka dot on the ends. By the time I'm finish, it is four o' clock, and I guess this is going to be my dinner, because I'm not that hungry. I grab a plum to munch on, on the way there, and make it to moon lit cafe. I'm at a red light, and hear my phone ring.


"Hey are you on your way?"

"Yea, why?"

"Because my cousin's friend's sister told be that your date it swoon, and let me lick your chest hot."

"Whoo he must be really hot."

" no piss perry! "

" I'm like a block away ok I will call you when it is finish alright, ok ok bye bye." I had to try to cut her off, before she started to keep taking more and more. One out of many things we have in common...We talk to damn much.

I'm not really into talking to people outside of school, drama for your mama, and your brother, and your father. Damn, my cranberry just is acting up again.

I make my way to the parking lot, and park my car in the end/ rear of the lot. I get out of my car, and make my way onto the street and walk the one and a half block to moonlit cafe. What kind of store has a lot parked so far away for their store...crazy. But anyway, I walk slowly, and take my time to get there. He'll probably be late anyways.

There is about five people outside of the cafe door, and put on my shades, to shade my eyes from th dim but glaring sun of the afternoon. I hear someone talking when I walk by.

" don't worry dude I got her, I'll be in her pants in no time." I feel bad for that girl, even if she is desperate. I recognize that voice from somewhere but can't get t. I walk in and take a seat at a booth. A nice warm booth.


$$$ JAKE$$$

(what what , am I AWSOME or waaaaaaaaaaaat man... Boom in ur face. )

"Are you sure it's the right house, are you sure it's the right girl?" I wait in front of the cafe, and smell the sweet smell of blueberry pie. Yum yum.

"Yea dumb ass, I know what I'm doing, don't forget I'm I professional stalker. Whoa, wait, that came out wrong!!!!!!!!

"Yea ok, where did you get her address from, oh and who is it again?

" first off, I am not telling you who it is, because it is a surprise, secondly, man you sound desperate.....I think you may be more desperate than than that girl when she sees you.....on a bro level, I don't check you out no mo. " he voice gets deeper, and I just laugh it off. Talk about awkward.

Navy dress, navy dress... Brown hair, brown hair. I repeat this in my head and finally spot who I am looking for........."hey kitty," I say behind the person, and in low my minty breath in her ear, and see her shiver, and lift up her shade to give me a good once over. Her eyes widen, but then she settles back down. Oh yea, she looks like she would be good, in that type of way, yes that type of way.

Hia bubbly big bats! I just added this today. Soooooo what do you think Jake. Jake Jake Jake Jake , scream it out loud and just bathe in it, you got to love it. So every one of you sexy beast, comment, and tell me what you think. I think I might update for my other book, but I am laaaaazy. Like crazzzzzy.

Oh oh oh......I have a question, and hear it goes:

Are there any boys on wattpad?

I'm not trying to sound creepy, but for some reason, wattpad just feel like a girls community. I'm not trying to sound sexist either. But yea. That was my only question. Sooooooo awkward.

Actually, that wasn't my last question.

What is your favorite show.? I have aaaaaaalot, like a ton, but I really like the show awkward . Yeaaaaa. ( in MTV)

Ooo kill 'em


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