Tᕼe ᗷegiᑎᑎiᑎg: ραят σиє

415 15 4

Dear diary,

TODAY WAS AMAZING! I MET THIS SUPER COOL STALLION THAT PLANS PARTIES JUST LIKE ME!! HE EVEN HAS A CHEESY-SENSE! At first I didn't like him because he came to ponyville and started claiming that he was the only super duper party pony! And he took over Rainbow dash's party even though I already had it all planned out!! But then I learned that he didn't mean to do that, and that he was just trying to impress me!! I don't think anyone has ever tried to impress me before... I also learned that when we were younger, he accidentally tripped into one of my parties and it inspired him to become a party pony!! I ACTUALLY INSPIRED SOMEONE?! HOW COOL IS THAT? In the end, we both ended up planning Rainbow's party!! IT WAS A BLAST!! I loved working with him!! He's so crazy and fun!! I hope I get to see him again someday. He's a really great friend! <3

~ Pinkie Pie

A year had pasted, and Pinkie was fast asleep from a long night of partying. When morning came, she hopped out of bed and trotted down the stairs for breakfast.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Cake!"

"Good Morning, Pinkie Pie. Sleep well?"


Mrs. Cake put some pancakes on a plate and set it in front of the pink mare.

"YUM! Looks delicious! Thank you!" Pinkie spoke with her bubbly voice as she poured the whole bottle of syrup onto her tower of pancakes. Mrs. Cake laughed internally as she watched Pinkie gobble up her mountain of sugar.

Pinkie was about to eat her last pancake, when something felt off...

She looked behind her and realized Twilight's castle map was calling her. She gasped with delight.

"Ooooo! I wonder where I'm going today!" Pinkie hopped off her chair and danced and twirled on her way to the castle.




Twilight giggled. "It's east of Ponyville, and its a really large city. It's funny though, I've heard Fillydelphia is one of the friendliest cities in Equestria..."

"Well if it's funny, then it's definitely the right place for me to go!"

Twilight jokingly rolled her eyes and smiled at her pink friend. "Sure, Pinkie."

Pinkie gave her a big smile, oblivious to her error in logic.

She went home and started packing. Fillydelphia was a long trip! She put her pet gator on top her head and placed her bag on her back before leaving in her pink hot air ballon.


"We're almost there, Gummy!" Pinkie said with excitement as she hugged her scaly friend. "I can't wait to meet new ponies and make them smile!" Gummy blinked slowly.

When the ballon landed, the pink pony hopped off and trotted into the city.

"Woah! Twilight wasn't kidding when she said Fillydelphia was big! I dunno know how I'm gonna find the friendship problem... what do you think I should do, Gummy?" Gummy blinked slowly and stuck out his tongue onto Pinkie's cheek. She smiled big. "That's a great idea!"

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