Tᕼe ᗷegiᑎᑎiᑎg: ραят тωσ

331 11 3

The pink mare continued to trot the streets of Fillydelphia.

"Oh, Gummy. How am I ever going to find the right friendship problem?" She faced her pet. Gummy slowly blinked. Pinkie let out a sigh before she began to walk up to a restaurant to sit down.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to keep searching," Pinkie was now full of determination, "and I won't stop until I find it!" Just then, her belly let out a growl. "But first... lets get a little something to eat. I'm starving!" Gummy blinked, one eye at a time.

The waitress walked outside to greet her new costumer. "Hello! What can I get you?"

"I'd love a good apple pie!" Pinkie smiled.

"Sure thing! Coming right up!" The waitress gave Pinkie a smile before she went back into the restaurant.

Pinkie smiled at her favorite gator as she waited for her lunch.

Until suddenly, a loud 'BOOM' was heard from the other side of the city.

"WOAH! What was that," Pinkie asked her pet. She looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a sky full of confetti!

"Confetti??" Pinkie gasped. "CONFETTI!!" She grabbed her pet and twirled him around. "THAT MEANS THERES A PARTY NEAR BY! CMON GUMMY, LETS GO!" The pink pony grabed her bags and ran towards the confetti sky.

The waitress walked out of the restaurant with Pinkie's apple pie, only to find that her costumer had left. "Um... Ms.?" The waitress looked around the table, but the pink mare was not there.


Pinkie kept running until she turned around the corner of a building, and found the source of the loud noise: a party.

Pinkie's face lit up with a beautiful smile. "IT IS A PARTY!" The pink pony ran into the area and looked around in wonder. "WOW! This party is amazing!! Like it could have be planned by-" Pinkie paused and stared in front of her. She gasped loudly, as she realized who was there.

"CHEESE SANDWICH!" Full of excitement, she ran to him.

Cheese turned around to face her, when she was suddenly squeezing him in a tight embrace. Cheese froze for a second before he smiled big and spoke. "Pinkie??"

Pinkie pulled away from the hug and smiled big at him. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE HERE! ITS SO GREAT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!"

"ITS GREAT TO SEE YOU AGAIN TOO! What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to solve a friendship problem!" Pinkie then looked at the ground, "but I'm having a little trouble finding one..."

"You're trying to solve a friendship problem?" Cheese was a little confused as to why she was doing this. "Is there a reason?"

"Oh, yeah! You haven't heard about Twilight's new castle!" Pinkie was excited to share the story with her friend. She sat down and cleared her throat as she began to explain. "In order for us to defeat Tirek, we had to put certain objects, that were given to us by people we showed friendship to, near a chest that turned them into keys and unlocked it. The chest turned us into super cool versions of ourselves that helped us to defeat him. And the chest also followed a rainbow that went into the ground which grew into Twilight's Castle! And inside her castle was a glowing table map that calls us to certain parts of Equestria to solve friendship problems!" Pinkie smiled big.

Cheese was stunned. "Woah, really?"

"YEAH! Isn't it cool? Twilight is now the official princess of friendship!"

"Wow, where have I been?" Cheese chuckled.

Pinkie giggled with him. "Planning AWESOME parties!"

Cheese blushed slightly and chuckled. "Yeah, I've been busy."

"I'll say!" Pinkie said as she looked around at the gigantic party. "Who's the special birthday pony?"

Cheese smiled as he answered. "My brother! Reuben Sandwich!"

Pinkie gasped long and loud. "YOU HAVE A BROTHER?" She smiled excitedly.

"Yup! He's not really a pony who likes to party, but I like to plan him one every year anyway!" He smiled at her.

"He doesn't like parties??" Pinkie couldn't believe it. "Who doesn't like parties??"

"I know right! It's crazy!"

"Well, where is he? I'd love to meet him!" Pinkie jumped up and down with excitement.

"He usually hides during his parties, but I'm sure I can find him!" Cheese motioned for Pinkie to follow him as he began the search. Pinkie followed him and began to think about Reuben. "He hides during his own party?"

"Yup. Every year. I always try to make his party bigger and more special every year, but he still hides. Every time. It takes me forever just to get him to attend!"

"Wow!" Pinkie couldn't believe it; this pony really hates parties, and she wondered why.

Cheese smiled. "There he is!" He pointed behind a bush that was far away from the party.

Pinkie continued to follow him as he walked over to his brother. "Woah, he hid all the way over here?"


"Reuben?" Cheese called as they approached the bush. "I have a friend here that would love to meet you!" Cheese smiled and hoped his brother would come out from his bush.

The bush was silent.

"Please, Reuben? Just for a second!"

The bush didn't move.

Cheese sighed, then turned to his pink friend. "See what I mean?"

Pinkie stared at the bush with confusion.

Cheese watched her. "Um, Pinkie? I don't think he's going to come out."

Pinkie looked at Cheese concerned. "So... he's like this every year?"



Cheese shrugged. "Wish I knew. Part of me thinks maybe he's not satisfied with my parties... like he wants them to be even bigger! And the other part of me thinks maybe he's just shy."

Pinkie thought about it for a second. "Are you sure that's wha-"

Just then, Reuben popped up from his bush. "Argh. Fine. I'll join your stupid party. " He stormed off.

Cheese and Pinkie stared at him in shock as he walked away. Cheese was first to break the silence.

"Yup. That's Reuben."

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