Tᕼe ᗷegiᑎᑎiᑎg: ραят єιgнт

292 10 5

Dear Diary,

Today was the day that I had to burry my beloved Gummy. It was just awful. And I thought I would be caught in that crying cycle for all eternity! But then... he came... Cheese Sandwich. He brightened my whole day. It turns out that he used to have a pet chicken! And when he couldn't handle the pain of loosing him, he got Boneless to remind him that he was always with him! And today, he brought me a stuffed baby gator that looks just like Gummy! I don't feel sad anymore. Gummy is here with me again. And it's all thanks to Cheese. Even as I write this, Gummy is right here in my arms. This was absolutely the sweetest thing any colt has ever done for me! And he said he would do anything to make me happier...I can't even believe this... he was so sweet to me! I think... I might even have a...crush on him...but... I doubt that it would ever work out. He plans parties all over Equestria, and I have my job here in Ponyville. Besides, he already left Ponyville... I hope he visits soon...



Pinkie Pie had slept peacefully that night, which she hadn't done in a few days. She woke up to find her Gummy plush in her arms. She smiled at it. She was still so thankful to Cheese for what he had done for her.

The pink mare got out of bed, and looked in the mirror. Her hair had returned to its normal curly state. She smiled. Today was going to be different than the last few days. She was finally gonna get to talk with her friends! She hopped up and trotted out her room. When she arrived downstairs, she smiled at Mrs. Cake.

"Good morning Mrs. Cake! I'm feeling much better today!" Pinkie spoke with her usual bubbly voice.

Mrs. Cake was thrilled. "Oh that's so good to hear! I'll make us all a special breakfast!"

Pinkie smiled wider. "Wow! Sounds special!" She giggled.

Mrs. Cake giggled back, before heading into the kitchen.

Pinkie sat at the table and waited for her special breakfast. As she waited, she thought about yesterday. She thought about him. She already missed him. She wanted to thank him again for what he did. She had never seen that side of him. It was so...sweet...

Pinkie thought about him some more, until Mrs. Cake came out with her special breakfast. It was a large breakfast donut on top of pancakes and waffles topped with syrup, chocolate, and of course, whipped cream! Full of sugar and carbs: just how Pinkie liked it!

The pink pony turned her head and gasped.

"WOW! THAT LOOKS AMAZING! Thank you soooooooo much!!" Pinkie smiled big at her treat as Mrs. Cake set it in front of her.

"Of course! Anything to keep that smile of yours nice and wide!" She giggled a little.

"Aw thanks!" Pinkie smiled at Mrs. Cake before dipping her face into her food and gobbling it up like a dog.

Mrs. Cake giggled and rolled her eyes. Classic Pinkie.

When Pinkie has finished, she stuck her tongue out and licked all the food off her face in one swoop.

"Mmm! Delicious!" She smiled bright. "Thank you again for breakfast, Mrs. Cake!"

Mrs. Cake smiled. "No problem!" She walked back into the kitchen to resume her duties.

Pinkie hopped out of her chair and headed out the door. She could finally see her friend's smiles again!

The pink mare trotted over to Twilight's castle. She knocked on the huge doors while smiling big.

Twilight opened the eye-hole and looked through. "Oh, hello, Pinkie! Come in!" She closed the eye-hole.

Pinkie smiled but then was confused as to why Twilight didn't open the whole door. She let it go and opened it herself.

"SURPRISE!!" Everypony in all of ponyville jumped up and greeted her with a big, beautiful smile.

Pinkie was surprised. But then she thought for a moment...

"Wait... ITS MY BIRTHDAY!! GOSH DARN IT I FORGOT AGAIN!" She giggled. "AW THANK YOU GUYS!!" She hopped up and down in excitement.

Everyone began to greet Pinkie as they all walked closer to her.

She looked around at everyone. All their smiles were so wonderful! It made her extra happy!

Twilight and the rest of her main 6 friends, walked up to Pinkie and smiled bright at her.

"Happy birthday, Pinkie!" Twilight spoke first.


They giggled then looked at each other.

Pinkie smiled at them until she realized how they were looking at each other. "What is it?" She questioned.

Fluttershy spoke in her quiet voice. "This isn't the only surprise we have for you." She smiled gently toward Pinkie.

Pinkie was curious. "Really? What else is there?" She smiled big and jumped into the air.

The friends looked at each other once more before walking back as somepony stepped out of the crown.

Pinkie was shocked. "Cheese??"

Cheese smiled sweetly at her. "Hi, Pinkie!"

Pinkie smiled big and ran to him. She jumped up and wrapped her hooves around his neck in a tight embrace. "YOU CAME BACK!!"

Cheese hugged her back and smiled big. "Of course! I couldn't leave when your birthday was so close!" They pulled away from their hug, and smiled at each other.

There was silence until Pinkie spoke. "Thank you again for helping me yesterday." She gave him a warm smile.

"My pleasure." Cheese smiled back.

The rest of the main 6 watched them.

"Oooh! I can see what's happening here!" Rarity whispered. Her friends looked at her. "They totally love each other!"

Twilight joined in on her whispering. "Really?" She looked at the two party ponies as they kept smiling at each other. "Ohhh I see it now." She smiled. "They are perfect for each other."

"I think they're so sweet!" Fluttershy spoke, which was already a whisper.

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