Tᕼe ᗷegiᑎᑎiᑎg: ραят ѕєνєи

281 11 4

Cheese walked up to the door of Sugarcube corner and paused. He prepared himself. Pinkie could be right behind that door. He let out a sigh and slowly lifted his hoof and knocked.

After a second of waiting, Mrs. Cake opened the door.

"Oh, hello, Cheese Sandwich! So great to see you! What brings you here?"

Cheese smiled at her, containing his nervousness. "I...was hoping I could maybe talk to Pinkie?"

Mrs. Cake frowned. "Oh. I'm not sure if she's ready for company at the moment...but I guess you can try." She moved away from the door for Cheese to come in.

Cheese looked at Mrs. Cake with worry as he walked in. "Do you happen to know what happened to her...? I just heard that she's been pretty down lately, and...well...I was hoping I could cheer her up..." He looked away.

Mrs. Cake smiled at him. "Aw, that's very sweet of you." She looked away and paused for a second, "I do know what happened..."

Cheese blushed at the first part of her sentence but was glad to hear that she knew what was going on. "What happened??"

"Well... I'm not sure she wants me to tell you... but...her pet, Gummy... passed away a few days ago, and she's still grieving."

Cheese's ears dropped. He felt so bad for her. He looked down and began to think. Then he looked up as his eyes widened.

He knew just what to do.


Pinkie was laying down on her bed. She had buried Gummy behind sugarcube corner with Mrs. Cake earlier that morning.

She thought for a moment that she was done crying. She sat up, and tried to keep her feelings down.

When all of the sudden, all her memories with Gummy swept over her once more and she found herself crying again. Would she ever get over this? Was she going to be crying forever? How was she ever going to talk to her friends again without making them sad?

She kept asking herself questions.

Until she heard a knock on her door.

She was startled and quickly tried to dry her eyes and clear her throat.

"W-who is it...?"

"It's... Cheese Sandwich..." He had sadness in his voice.

Pinkie was surprised. "Cheese...? What...what are you doing here?"

"I... Well I..." There was a pause. "I brought you something..."

Pinkie was curious. She wiped her eyes one more time before she got off her bed and walked over to her door and opened it.

As she opened the door, Cheese was surprised to see her hair so flat. He had never seen her like that. She looked so miserable. He wanted to hug her and tell her he loved her and that everything was going to be fine...but right now wasn't the time.

Pinkie moved out of the way of the door, welcoming him into her room.

They both sat on the edge of her bed. There was silence until Pinkie spoke.

"So... you wanted to give me something...?"

"Oh! Yes." He chuckled nervously. He took a deep breath as he began.

"I... heard about what happened..."

Pinkie's eyes got wider. He knew? How?

"You did...?"

"Yes...and...I just wanted to say that...I know how you feel."

Pinkie was surprised again. "You do?"

"Yeah..." He looked away. "I...I used to have a real pet...He was everything to me. We would do everything together... he was my best friend."

Pinkie stared at him. He did understand.

Cheese continued. "But one day... he passed away... and I was alone...I couldn't bare those strong feelings any longer...so I found something that could be in his place." He pulled out boneless 2 from behind him, and gave Pinkie a sad smile.

Pinkie looked at him sadly. "Oh my gosh... boneless... he really means something to you... and you gave him to me?"

Cheese looked away and blushed. "Yeah. It was the least I could do to thank you for all you've done for me." He gave her a sweet smile.

Pinkie returned the smile. "Aw, Cheese."

There was silence for a second. "I um... brought you something..." He pulled out a stuffed baby alligator from behind him, and handed it to Pinkie, while giving her a sad smile.

Pinkie stared at it. It looked just like Gummy. She felt tears begin to form in her eyes. She gently grabbed it from his hooves and held it tight as tears fell from her eyes once again.

Cheese watched her with a sad smile. He sat there for a second before he gently moved close to her and wrapped his arms around her in a hug.

Pinkie cried harder and quickly returned Cheese's hug. As she cried in his shoulder, he held her close and gently rubbed her back. As her tears rolled down his back, he felt tears forming in his own eyes.

They held each other and cried for a while, before Pinkie slowly pulled away from his embrace and smiled at him though her tears.

"Thank you."

Cheese smiled back. "Anything to make you happier."

Pinkie smiled brighter and stared at him for a moment. This was the sweetest thing any colt had done for her. She looked away and blushed. Then she looked down at the stuffed gator and smiled. Gummy was still here. He had brought him back to her. She hugged the plush tightly.

Cheese smiled at her. He did it. He made her happier. Maybe being a smile-giver wasn't as hard as he thought. But even if he had to give up his whole world to save her, he would. He would do anything for her, because she was everything to him. His life wouldn't be nearly as beautiful without her in it.

Pinkie looked up and smiled at Cheese. He smiled back at her. They both blushed and continued to smile at each other.

They stared at each other for quite a while before Cheese realized what he was doing. He cleared his throat nervously and broke the silence. "Um... Well... I kinda..." He pointed out the door. "Gotta go... " He was about to get off the bed, when his back hoof got caught on the edge of the blanket and he fell flat on his face.

Pinkie giggled and spoke through her laughter. "Are you ok?"

Cheese quickly stood up and looked away nervously. "Y-Yeah, I'm good." He chuckled. Pinkie giggled quietly. Cheese then looked down to find that he had completely messed up her bedding. He quickly tried to fix it. "There." He chuckled nervously. "S-sorry about that." He smiled at her. "Well... g-goodbye!" He headed for the door.

Pinkie giggled some more. "Goodbye." She gave him a warm, sweet smile.

Cheese returned the same smile to her before he left her room.

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