Tᕼe ᗷegiᑎᑎiᑎg: ραят тняєє

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Pinkie watched Reuben as he walked away. He looked so miserable.

"Um, Cheese?"

"Yes, Pinkie?"

"I'm not sure that this type of party is what Reuben wants."

"Well, what type of party does he want?"

"I'm... not sure... but I do know that he looks like he needs someone to talk to..." Pinkie watched Reuben with concern.

"I've always tried to talk to him, but he always ignores me! At this point, I feel like he's just a lost cause." Cheese looked away, a little hurt that his brother isn't as crazy happy as he is.

Pinkie felt bad for Reuben. "Well, maybe I could try to talk to him."

Cheese looked back up at his pink friend. "Would you? I feel like he's tired of hearing my voice..."

Pinkie smiled at him. "I'd love to! I bet I'll be able to make him smile before you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!"

"Great!" Cheese smiled.

She smiled back and trotted over to Reuben, where he was standing away from the party.

"Hey, Reuben!" She smiled at him.

"What do you want?" Reuben replied with a grumpy tone.

"Well, I'd love it if you'd tell me why ur smile is upside down!"

"Why would you wanna know?"

"Because I wanna help you!"

"With what?? I'm fine." He looked away.

"You sure about that? You should know that I'm the expert smile-giver! I've never failed at making somepony smile! And I won't give up until I see their smiles nice and big!" Pinkie gestured her hoofs far in the air and put on a big smile.

"Well that's nice," Reuben was still in denial, "but isn't helpful at the moment, because I'm perfectly fine."

Pinkie looked away for a second to think. This was a tough one. How is she going to get him to smile? She looked back up at him.

"Well... If you were feeling down, what would make you feel happier?"

Reuben looked away at the ground. "There's one thing that would make me feel better, but it's never going to happen, so I've stopped hoping for it."

Pinkie smiled. "And that isssss?"

Reuben was silent for a second. "None of your business."

Pinkie frowned. "Pleeeeaase tell me?"

"Why do you care??"

"Because I hate to see you sad!"

"You don't even know me."

"True. But I do know what being sad feels like. And it's no fun. That's why I always do whatever it takes to make sure that everypony around me stays happy!"

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