King of Rock

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"All right, how about you give us a smile now!" yelled the photographer as he crouched down and snapped a couple of pictures of Marshall Lee, who was posing in front of a white background. "Let's end it with your signature!"

Those were Marshall's favorite words. He greeted the camera with the horn sign, and stuck his tongue out.

"And that's a wrap!" applauded the photographer.

As a recent hit star in the show biz, Marshall's schedule has been busy all day, every day. He goes from one photo shoot to next without any breaks. On the up side he got to skip school with a valid excuse and enjoyed playing music, but on the down side he rarely got to see his friends and he was missing out on a lot of school parties. Also he never seemed to get enough sleep and he hasn't had a decent meal in a while.

After 3 hours of rehearsal for his new album release, and an hour and a half of photo shoot, Marshall was exhausted. He just wanted to go home and sleep for the whole day. But of course he couldn't do that.

He had to go to school.

He was already missing a lot of days, and if he didn't catch up soon he'll fail to graduate! The thought of school and catching up on homework brought a certain someone to his mind.

Marshall smiled to himself... that pink nerd was very amusing.

One of the staff members offered Marshall a water bottle; he took and immediately drained half of it.

"Good job there, Marshall. You're done for today so you can head back to school, or you can go home." said his manager as he walked him outside the building to his car.

"Nah, I'll go to school. I missed a lot on Calculus." he said before he hopped into his car and drove away.

On his way, Marshall kept on thinking of different ways to try and tease the nerd. It was sad he didn't catch his name, which made him wonder when that nerd transfer to his school.

Was he always around and I just never noticed him? No way, he snorted to himself, how could I not notice a pink-loving nerd?

Gumball never felt this light since he transferred to Candy High; he finally has all his glob together! Maybe that four-leafed clover was a good luck sign...

But how does Marshal Lee fall into this?

Meeting Ms. Bubblegum, getting to work on real experiments, finding a job doing his favorite thing, just how far can his luck go?

Gumball hummed to himself while packing up his stuff. Today at lunch Ms. Bubblegum promised him she'd show him what's she's been working on recently and he was so excited to know. Before he could get up from his seat, someone yelled after him.


Gumball froze in his spot. He looked up to see Marshall Lee standing at the class door panting. He staggered over to Gumball as he held his chest.

"I need your notes man, please!" he said, straddling the seat in front of Gumball.


Marshall drained the rest of his water and threw the bottle in the trash. When it landed right in, he cheered, "SCORE!"

His friend who Gumball recognized as Finn and another guy with purple hair walked by, heading out of class, and high-fived him.

"Nice one," said Finn

"I could, like, totally do that, too" said the other guy while admiring his nails

When they left, Marshall turned to look at Gumball, all humor gone from his face. "Please let me copy your Cal notes! I can't afford to fail this class!"

Gumball's MisfortuneWhere stories live. Discover now