Sweating Hot!

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A week has passed since Gumball transferred to Candy high, and it has been nothing but a roller coaster. He found a four-leaf clover and things turned out to the better after that, but the luck didn't last long. Marshall Lee has somehow forced himself into Gumball's life, and because of him everyone in school has the wrong idea about them, which lead to the bullying. And it didn't stop, he still heard the insults from the students now and then, and he gets pushed down the hallways, but ever since Marshall fought with him no one dared to approach him. Somehow he has to thank him for that.

It was Friday, and everyone in the Special Department didn't stop talking about Marshall Lee's Halloween Party. They were discussing the food, the drinks, if alcohol would be served, who's dressing up as what and if there would be an after party. Gumball rolled his eyes as he stretched his legs, clearly the gym teacher who everyone called Mannish man had told them to do some warm up exercises but no one was paying attention.

"Yo Gumwad!"

He turned around to see a half-naked Marshall, "You comin' to my party?" he asked

Gumball immediately turned to look away flushed, "Marshall, could you please put some clothes on! You're going to catch a cold."

"Dude its hot! Plus the ladies like it." Marshal flexed his elbow and a group of girls behind him swooned and squealed at the sight. "See?" he said as if to prove a point.

Gumball rolled his eyes, Glob he thought. "Just put a shirt on, would you?"

Marshall chuckled before grabbing a shirt from the bleachers. Nothing beats Gumball's reactions! He thought smiling.

"Alright everyone, gather up here!" called the gym teacher. Mannish man gave the class a 10 minute lecture about how important warming up before exercise is, then he sent the girls to play volleyball and the guys to play basketball.

"Shouldn't you be sitting at the bleachers?" asked Marshall as they walked together towards the court.

"Why?" he asked

"You know, because nerds don't play sports."

"Very stereotypical Marshall" Gumball crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

The boys were already splitting up into two teams, when Finn saw Marshall approaching he waved his hands to get his attention. He left Gumball to join Finn and yelled, "Who wants to be on my team!" Five students marched forward. Gumball felt bothered that Marshall didn't bother to invite him to join his team, he didn't know why. He didn't even know why Finn bothered him so much.

"Like why do I have to play basketball? It makes me lumping sweat, and I hate to sweat!" complained LSP

He turned his back to Marshall and joined the opposing team, Marshall was looking down on him, and he was underestimating him. But that will change soon, thought Gumball as he stood in position, getting ready for the game.

Through the game Gumball noticed that none of his teammates were bothered to pass him the ball. He got so annoyed and decided to take matters in his own hands! He sprinted from his position and stole the ball from his teammate dribbling it to the rival's team's basket. When Marshall stood against him, gumball managed to avoid him skillfully and make a dunk. When he turned to face the team, everyone was staring at him dumbstruck.Glob, did everyone think that just because I was a nerd I couldn't play sports?

Marshall whistled and slapped Gumball's back, "Awesome man! You should have joined my team!"

Gumball pushed his hands away and walked back to his team, "Too late" he said.

Gumball's MisfortuneWhere stories live. Discover now