Gumball's Misfortune

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Disclaimer: I don't own the characters! Credits all go to the original creators.

Gumball never hated his life as much as he does now. There was a time when he hated his life because he couldn't get the latest liquid pyrotechnics on his 14th birthday, but that hate couldn't possibly compare to the hate he's feeling now. At this given moment, Gumball detested everything that came his way!

Stupid school, stupid parents, stupid molecular physics!He thought bitterly.

It all started when he was sitting with his parents on Sunday for an afternoon tea; he was telling them about the experiments he was working on at the labs with the other scientist. They were testing the DNA of a very rare bacterium, Gumball was very excited and happy but he realized that his parents weren't sharing this happiness with him.

When he asked them about it, his parents looked at each other before his father spoke calmly.

"Gumball, it's very nice that you're doing something you love. But your mother and I have been thinking that a healthy 17 year old boy like you shouldn't be locking himself up in his room or his lab all day and night doing nothing but experiments and math," he told him. "You should be staying up late all night, sleeping in in the morning, getting in trouble, and falling in love! That's why we- even though you already graduated last year- are sending you to a real high school in Ooo to gain some normal teenage experience."

Gumball's mouth dropped open; he couldn't believe what he had just heard. His own father downright disowned him, sending him to live far away; he was even giving him permission to get himself in trouble.

"Father you can't possibly assume that just because I'm different, that I'm not like your friends' sons, means I'm bad! Why can't you just accept the fact that I'm just different?" Gumball gaped at them, his eyes darting back and forth between his parents.

"Honey, we're just doing what's best for you," his mother offered.

"You don't know what's best for me!" Gumball shouted.

And that's how our argument ended, with them winning. And now I'm stuck going to a high school filled with ignorant monkeys, who's only thoughts are drugs and sex...

This was his worst nightmare ever!

His parents should've just taken away his privilege to attend science fairs for the primary school, or cutting his allowance would be a great idea too! But forcing him to go to school for idiots who think they're smart is simply a purely terrible insult to him! On the bright side, he can finally live independently at least.

Well, if you call the fact that my mother calls almost every five minutes because she's worried about me, living independently.

Gumball shoved his hands into his pockets, scowling to himself, and walked into his classroom; 4S-3. The four stood for the fourth year, grade 12. The S was for special; Candy High is divided into 2 sections, the general Department for normal average student, and the Special Department for the special kids with special talents. And because Gumball was a prince, he was placed in the Special section.

The 3 was his class number. As soon as he entered his class he made a bee line to the nearest seat he saw available, he didn't even bother to look at the students around him. When he sat down he opened his book titled 'The History of Quantum Mechanic: Fabric of Cosmos' and worked his way through the book waiting while the teacher arrived.

High school was a boring as he thought it would be, even the special one. The students were as stupid as he thought they would be, especially the special ones. Those spoiled rich kids who lacked manners and common sense...

Not to mention those idiots and that loud music they listen to, or the way they spoke with each other! Everything about them was vulgar! If his parents thought he could make friends here, they better think again. He wouldn't even fall in love. Yes, he was a rich kid, maybe even richer than all of them, but he wasn't a spoiled brat nor did he lack manners and etiquette.

Gumball sighed as the bell rang and school ended, he thought the day would never end. As he stood up to leave he bumped into another student who was in a hurry.

"Sorry," the blonde said without even turning to look at him.

"Hurry up, Finn!" His friends called for him from the front door, "You know how Marshall hates it when we arrive late to his concert!"

The blonde, Finn, apologized to his friends when he got to them before they all turned around and walked away, without a second glance at Gumball.

Rude,he thought as he exited his class.

At the front of the school gate stood a bright pink limo waiting for its rider. In front of the limo stood his butler, Peppermint. Gumball paused in the middle of the school's front yard, gaping at the sight in front of him. The entire student body stared at the limo, whispering and wondering who it was waiting for. Gumball sucked in air, swallowed the lump in his throat and walked towards his limo.

"I hope you had a good day at school, your Highness." said Peppermint as he opened the door for Gumball.

"Let's just get out of here." Gumball grunted as he hurriedly got in the limo. "Please" he added.

His apartment wasn't that far from the school. After his parents got him transferred to Candy High, he insisted that he would pick his own apartment. The one he chose was just 15 minutes away, it was a 20 story high building and his flat was on the 15th floor. A single bedroom with a kitchen and a washroom, it had a great view from the balcony at night and the rent was good. His parent though insisted that they should buy him a pent house, they had argued again for the third time that day.

"Did my mother send you?" he asked peppermint,

"Yes, your Highness. Her Majesty, your mother, was worried you wouldn't fit in with the rich kids if you walked to and from school."

Gumball rolled his eyes. "So flashing the pink limo would help me fit in with the popular crowd?"

"That's what your mother assumed," he said smiling,

Gumball grumbled to himself, his mother worries too much! The limo took the next right at the intersection and Peppermint parked the limo at the front of the apartment's entrance. Gumball stepped out before Peppermint could get to his side and open the door.

"Peppermint, I don't want you to drive me to and from school starting tomorrow. Also tell my parents not to send me any allowance or to send the maid over for cleaning," Gumball instructed. "And do tell them I can handle taking care of myself just fine."

Peppermint bowed to gumball before driving away. He sighed again and rubbed his temple.

I hope mother can get a clue that I want to be alone in this!

Gumball walked to his apartment, punched in his code and the door slide open. He marched in and rode the elevator up to his floor, and strode into his flat. He took off his shoes, threw his back pack at the stack of unopened boxes that he still had to unpack and walked into his kitchen to make coffee. He needed to look for a part-time job fast, he needed to unpack the boxes, and he needed to go grocery shopping to fill his empty fridge. The list on his to-do-list was increasing rapidly, giving him a minor headache.

He poured his coffee in his hot pink mug, hoping the drink would calm his migraine, and strolled to the balcony. He sipped his coffee and propped his elbow on the railing staring down at the town before him.

This was going to be a long year,he thought and the pounding in his head didn't make it any better


It's short but nice! I'm proud of it!

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