Recruiting Harry Potter

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I don't own anything, guys. Period. Not Percy Jackson. Not 39 clues. Not Harry Potter. Sadly. So, yeah, do I really have to go on about how I DON'T own ANYTHING? Anyways... Subscribe/comment/follow/read/like! Thanks!

Harry's POV

"Harry! It's Quidditch day! Wake up, Wake up!" Yelled Ron Weasley, my best friend, just to find the reaction he was looking for.

"It's really Qudditch day?! Finally, it's here! It's been years-" I started.

"Months." Hermione corrected.

"-months since we last had a Quidditch game! Also, Ron, you red haired git! Get off me!" I exclaimed.

"Boys! Such a waste of space!" Hermione said as she rolled her eyes."Why can't they be more mature and read books. I read this fascinating book called "Hogwarts: A history" today-"

"Didn't you already read that...?" Ron asked.

"You didn't let me finish! I was going to say 'for the 154th time!' Its just so fascinating I couldn't only read it once!" She told us.

"Yeah, so you had to read it about 150 times, Hermione." I said and both of us rolled our eyes.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I did. And who was the one that helped you when you got paralyzed when the chamber if secrets was opened?" Hermione challenged.

"You." We chorused.

"Hm, and who helped make the potion to find out if Malfoy knew who the decendent of Slytherin was?" She questioned again.

"You." We answered again.

"Yes, and who knew that you had to stop struggling, which by the way, Ron did not do and had to save him when we got stuck in those vines?"

"You." We said again.

"Exactly, and who-" she started again.

"OKAY! WE GET IT!" Ron yelled.

"Good." Hermione snaps back.

"We woudn't read one of your boring book even if you tortured us and casted 'stupify' 100 times!" I fought back.

"Of course you wouldnt," Hermione stated while rolling her eyes, "because you're a stupid git!"

"Am not!" I yelled.

"Blimey, Harry! The Qudditch match starts in 30 minutes! We have to go!" Ron yelled.

"Okay, C'mon then!" I said right back.

*At the tournament* (A/N I hate these)

"HARRY! HARRY! HARRY!" Gryffindor chanted.

"DRACO! DRACO! DRACO!" Slytherin shouted.

"Potter!" Draco sneered.

"Malfoy!" I sneered back.

"Are you scared? You want your mummy? Oh wait! She's dead!" Draco laughed.

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Ron defended.

"Oh, Weasley right?" Draco said as if he didn't know. "Well, anyone can tell. Wierd look? Check! Hand-me-downs? Check!--" Draco started.

"Shut up, Malfoy! You have no right to call him names just for which family he comes from!" Hermione tried, all as well knowing exactly what he would say. For years now he's been calling her 'that'. She hated it more than she hated 'He Who Shall Not Be Named'. So, being the smartest witch of her day, she put a recording spell. Every time she tried to tell on him, Snape would just get out if trouble, only Hagrid, Harry, and Ron would believe her, but this time...

"Shut up, you stupid mudblood!" He said and she winced at the name. She took both boys' hands and ran to Dumbledores office.

"What about the tournament?!" Harry and Ron whined.

"That can wait!" She snapped as she ran into Dumbledore's office and barged into the door.

"Professor Dumbledore! I have it! The proof that Malfoy has been calling me," she said then reduced it to less than a whisper," it."

"I believed you since the beginning Ms. Granger. You didn't have to go through all that. But it's good your here, but you had better get Ginny, Luna, and Neville." He said right before Harry, Ron, and Hermione ran out the door, Ron and Harry headed to Gryffindor row in the tournament and Hermione to Ravenclaw.

When they all settled down, Dumbledore started.

"Wizards! You have been chosen to go through one if the darkest quests in History! You will be informed of what it is about after you agree! All of you are needed for different tasks! Luna, your ability to see and feel things no other can! Neville, your bravery and courage! Harmoine for your nevertheless intelligence, bravery, courage, and importance! Ron for your bravery, courage, and knowing how to find your path! Ginny, for being able to withstand even the hardest problems. And finally, Harry! Everyone knows why! Of course, he's the boy who lived! He defeated Voldemort before he could barely speak! For his connection, bravery, and courage! Do you all wish to accept this challenge?"

"Yes!" Was all that came from their mouths.

"Good. Now go pack, but before you do that, this quest is needed because-"


Hahaha cliffhanger! Well, its not much of a cliff hanger if you read the description. Hmmm, I should change that...nah! Anyways... I'll still try my best to update fast! Thank you!

~ninjalord ✌️

Percy Jackson, 39 Clues, And Harry Potter CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now