↬ help him [g]

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— grayson's point of view;

empty described me most.
pain too.

laying down on my cold sheets, streaks of tears mark my flushed cheeks. hair messed and short breaths, darkness hugged my under eyes and glassy orbs.

"what's happening to me?" i whispered softly in the deafening silence, a tear rolling down my cheeks and therefore i draped my eyes shut drowning in the darkness, yet again.

a creak sound echoed in the silent room, for i fluttered my eyes open slowly, then it followed by light emerging into the dim lit room,

"you still in bed?" followed another voice.

it was him. i couldn't bring myself to turn around, i felt like ropes had been tying me onto the lonely bed, gluing me to the mattress. and all i could do was talk or open my eyes.

which i can barely bring myself to do.

i groaned, a barely audible one that i was surprised he even heard. "leave me alone."

i shut my eyes closed aggressively, forcing whatever was happening in my mind to stop. to go away, but it won't.

the sound of curtains rattling could be heard, then a strong light flashed into the sunless room.

"come on," he insisted, sitting next to me, rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

"i'll get you breakfast, i bet you're hungry." his voice sounded apologetic, sincere. made me feel like crying. his voice hugged my fragile body, sending its warmth throughout my skin.

"go away." i said more harshly this time, i couldn't have him with me like this, he deserves better than me, better then this.

"grayson, what's wrong?"

i swear i don't know.

"for fucks sake, just go away!" i yelled looking him in the face, his beautiful face molded into a sad expression, taken aback by my harshness and insensitivity.

i grabbed the blanket and hid under it, sobbing my hazel eyes out without a sound, silently crying the pain away. but it still hurts.

i hear another creak and a lock, he left.

because you told him to.
you don't deserve him.
a voice hissed and i slammed my hands against my disturbed head. "STOP" i yelled.

sweet boy, he doesn't love you.
no one does.
the voice hissed again, its sound drilling holes into my skull.

"help me." i whispered, and the last thing i remember was those words leaving my lips, and feeling my damp cheeks stick onto the covers.

and second, this is a scene from shameless, of ian and mickey, so if you liked it, i MIGHT do a part two to this when everyone comes by to see ian.
ily all, take care <3

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