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The sun was high and bright,it made the crops in the field look as if they were made out of pure gold, a cold breeze blew over the field making the crops sway to and fro .

Under a nearby tree was Linley , a young boy of 14, he was all that was left of his family, his father, for all he knew was a great mage who died while trying to defend the village, his mother though, was a complete mystery to him. He knew nothing of her, all he knew was when his father died she left him with his uncle Carson and aunt Jean.

These thoughts often came to his mind but he would just ignore them . Linley as he lay under the tree was tangled in these thoughts , the perfect environment around him made him drowsy .The silence , the cold breeze and the warmth made him drowsy and he finally went into the void of dreams .

In his dream Linley found himself in a forest, a ferocious but beautiful forest he could feel the nature around him, the forest voices spoke to him, the wind the rustle of leaves and the sound of the creatures around him, it made him a bit uneasy to be all alone as he stumbled around walking to wherever his legs took him.

The silence was broken by a roar , a sudden and loud roar it was ,so loud and vicious that it made Linley freeze, he was too scared to think , Linley stood helpless as he heard the crackle of leaves as  if someone was walking towards him, he assumed it to be the one responsible for that roar but still he did not want to run but rather he waited until a rough figure came into sight. 

As it came closer he saw it was not an animal but a woman,she wore a red cloth around her shoulder and a hooded cloak with leather straps that made her look gracious ,she was really beautiful and she stared right at Linley with her face expressionless as if she were examining him.

Linley himself looked at her and saw something peculiar she had pointed ears... he had once heard people talk of them , he knew it meant that she was an elf , he stood there shocked admiring the beautiful elf when to his surprise he heard another of those loud roars.

then he saw a huge animal approaching from behind the elf, it was a lion and it was like no other lion he had ever seen, it was huge and to his surprise it sat down beside the elf as if he were her pet .The lion had shining blue eyes with which he peered at Linley as if waiting to pounce upon him.

Aware of it Linley was alarmed he wanted to run although he knew it would be futile as no animal he knew could outrun that beast. As he stood there , fear spread on his face clearly visible as beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead.

The woman started to move towards him with a jovial smile on her face , when she was standing right in front of him she reached out with her hand towards his cheek , it was then that he noticed an iridescent ring on her finger which was quite similar to the ring which he had , it was given to him by his uncle it belonged to his father . While he was thinking about it ,the woman said in a voice as soft as silk

"Always be brave, never be afraid,

look into your heart , for there is hidden your true part."

Then gently she removed her hand and vanished into the woods , he had often had this dream and had never really understood its meaning although he often sat thinking about it .

He woke up as he suddenly heard a voice saying "Linley wake up .........the mages are here wake up " he opened his eyes and saw Sasha , his best friend, sitting beside him , she had always been nice to him, the other children in the village despised him as he was poor . Sasha on the other hand had always been there for him. "Get up , stop goofing around hurry up"she said, Linley yawned and stood up "Ok then , lets go".

They both went to the village entrance as he saw them approach ,the mages graceful they were they wore beautiful cloaks and armors that shimmered in the daylight, all of them looked majestic and strong although they had been gone for a whole month ."They are early this time aren't they "he said .

He always admired the mages and wanted to be one , it was his dream. Mages were strong and were respected by all, they had a strong aura around them and their presence was strong and pleasing. It had been his dream from forever he wanted to enter the Theinsford academy for mages and graduate as a mage it was quite impossible for him to enroll as it was really expensive.

Though he knew this, he had never given up on his dream he and his uncle had been saving money for his enrollment, they soon were gonna have enough and Linley was more than excited about it ,"come Linley lets go home "said Sasha,as he walked home his thoughts were converged on just one thing and that was that he knew his dreams were soon gonna come true, he was finally gonna be a mage .

Mage=a magician


Readers a small request please comment so i can know my flaws and mistakes so that the next chapter can be even better

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