Never Give Up

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"I have to do it, I have to, but how?" said Linley as he sat on the branch of a tree. He had discovered a way to evade the creatures and that was to move above the ground, he jumped from branch to branch.

The method was effective but still, he often faced those creatures, it was easier to kill them now as he had killed many.

He also learned a lot about the forest and the creatures that lived in them, he found some deer-like animals, some small insects and he found out how those large creatures hid in plain sight.

Linley was on a treetop when he discovered it, he saw that the creature would squat low and slither on the ground like a snake. Thus it was almost impossible to notice in that dark place.

Linley hated them and disdained them for making It tough for him to reach the mountain. If he were by foot he would have already reached the mountain but he was slower on the branches.

He had to be careful as to which branch he was jumping on as a weak branch could break and he could not afford another wound. His older wound had not healed completely yet and it showed small signs of festering.

"Darn it!" said Linley as he approached a dead end," Just how many times do I have to get lost before I reach that godforsaken mountain," said Linley in a furious tone.

"If this keeps up, I will never reach in time for the enrollment" Linley was gloomy and in that secluded place, there was no one to cheer him up or help him.

"I have to do something," said Linley in an anxious tone. He knew he was not going to last long if his wound festered. "I guess my first priority is to find water".

Linley had earlier found water by digging under trees but it was not enough for him to drink let alone heal a wound. Linley thought for a while then a weird idea came to his mind.

He was going to follow a creature and see where it drank water. So, he sat on a branch and waited and soon enough a herd of deer-like creatures appeared. They looked alert, their shining ruby-like eyes moved constantly to detect even the slightest of movement from the environment.

Linley was amazed to see how their horns were twisted like spirals and were very long almost long enough to stab a man from front to back. They shook their heads like trees swayed when a rare gust of wind blew over them.

Linley followed them for a while vigilant enough to not make any sounds that would alert them. Soon enough they reached a small pond, Linley was delighted he shot a light blade of wind on a nearby branch so that it broke and seeing that the creatures ran away.

It was amazing how they ran without creating even the slightest of sounds. Linley climbed down and finally healed his wound. "Well, better than nothing," said Linley as he examined his chest where a huge scar was and was glad to see that only a huge mark was left.

It still hurt as water never healed completely, it required a high-class water to spell to heal a wound completely and it required vigorous training of the water element.

Linley satisfied climbed a tree again and said," Alright, now let's find a way to reach the mountain".

He thought and finally came to a quick decision," I have to run towards it". I was a crazy plan but he had no other choice.

He braced himself, breathing slowly his head felt heavy as if he knew he was definitely going to find trouble.

He laughed, he did not know why but he laughed, the sound resonating through the forest.

He started running and a pandemonium of birds and their chirping originated from every tree he passed. He ran as fast as he could and soon he felt someone following him.

He knew it was the creature. He ran and ran never stopping until he reached the mountain. He was just a few steps away from the mountain he slipped and fell, he screamed with pain as his skin brushed against the rough rocks.

He stood up quickly and turned around as quickly as he could, he knew that the creature was about to attack, but surprisingly nothing showed up.

He did not let his guard down but turned towards the mountain and started climbing it. His legs hurt like hell. He had skinned his knees and elbows when he fell.

Hot blood gushed from his wound but he never gave up he kept climbing until he a small rock that emerged from the side of the mountain Linley thought it to be the best place to rest.

"Ouch!" shouted Linley as he accidently touched his knee. His legs had given up and his hands burned from overexertion.

"It is too steep! , I have to find a different path, or ill fall while climbing" said Linley in a concerned voice. He could see nothing else but the steep slope and the long way up.

He looked up and the only thought that came to his mind was

"Always be brave,

Never afraid."

He smiled a faint smile and said

" Whatever happens I will never give up".

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