Dark Side

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"U have such a pretty voice mother," said Linley still shrouded by darkness, "I can listen to you sing all my life and yet still not get enough of it". Linley was surely right his mother's voice was so beautiful and so angelic that it would melt the most stubborn of rocks, truly it was miraculous.

Linley still laid in the darkness, asleep one could say as if his eyes were closed or open all he could see was the same and that was nothing. It seemed stupid of him to just lay there nonchalantly not even trying to do something, but it seemed right to him.Even though it seemed crazy that he might have to spend his entire life here he was calm, not even a bit of fear struck him. So he laid there floating in the endless void of darkness, listening to his mother as she sang him to sleep.

"What......what is happening", Linley was shaking as he saw cracks huge and wide cracks appearing in the void it was almost as if an egg was hatching. He did not understand a thing that was going on. Light peered through the cracks, it was blinding bright, Linley had stayed in the dark so much that the light burned his eyes.

The next thing he knew, was a pain, an endless ocean of pain that he had somehow stumbled across, in the heart of the pain he somehow opened his eyes, all he saw around him were huge clouds of dust and he somehow was floating in the air.

The sky itself was brown with dust and at the center of it all was Maud, he was soaring in the air. He was in huge pain, it felt as if every bone of his body was broken, one of his eyes had no vision, all he saw through it was a blur of black and white.

He was in pain but still, he was curious to know how and what had happened, then he saw Maud descent down to him. He looked at Maud, he seemed exhausted, a languid expression clearly visible on his face and a certain laxness. Not to mention a huge hole in his stomach from which blood gushed out in an endless stream that started at the wound and ended at his legs.

He tried to move but every inch of his body was crushed, trying to move only caused him more and more pain even his jaw had been broken. He did not even realize when he started crying.Maud came up to him and came close looking right at him and said: "So Dark magic is it".He did not understand what he meant by that all he wanted was to be helped, the pain was unbearable.

Then Maud sat beside him and reached for his pack, he pulled out the rune stone from earlier that he had shown Linley, It was beautiful. He had not seen the stone this up close yet but now that he had he did not want to take his eyes off it, it was bright red in color and had a graceful proportion.

Maud took the stone and place it on Linley's chest, he was in so much pain that he could not even feel it placed on his chest, then Maud raised one of his fingers and infused a huge mass of magic on its tip, then he reached out and touched the stone and just as he did that the stone started shining it shone as bright as the sun and Linley could feel the magic flowing into him, it was enormous in quantity.

It felt warm at first but slowly it started spreading all throughout his body, the pain escalated to such a huge level in a matter of moments that Linley could not endure it and soon he felt dizzy and fainted.

"So now u know that you have a dark side don't you"

"Who said that?" said Linley as he was shocked, "Wait where am I?", he was in a whole another place right now but slowly he realized that this was the forest of his dreams.He adored it like always then looked around to find the source of the voice, he soon found it, it was the elf.

It looked right at Linley as usual, a look of concern on her face this time though. Linley saw it and said, "What do you mean by a dark side?". The elf looked at him and said

          "When trapped in darkness,                        Don't struggle or fight,                          For where there is darkness,                       There is always light"

Saying this she turned around and started walking away, but then she stopped, she did not turn around but said, "Find the light within you, Linley, only then can u be great".

Then she continued walking and slowly vanished in the jungle.

The next thing he knew was waking up at his house, he was lying in his bed, but now he felt not even a hint of pain, all his wounds were healed, even the scar the creature had given him. His eye was all good as well.

"Was it all a dream?" he thought to himself, but then he saw his sword lying next to him on the stand near his bed and he noticed that it had the rune stone in its pommel


He stood up and started walking out of his room calling for his uncle and aunt, but no one responded, he looked around a bit but found no one.

He kept walking in the house until he reached the kitchen and drank a whole lot of water, it seemed he was parched.

As he continued he heard something, a hint of sound coming from the second floor, he promptly started going up.

"It's ok buddy, you will be up and running shortly" Linley recognized the voice to be Tarrion's. It was surprising as Tarrion did not know Carson or Jean, it was nerw to see him visit him. "Ya, I am sure he will be fine" this was definitely his aunt's voice he went up ahead and saw a door ajar.

He went to it and peeked in, inside the room Jean and Tarrion were sitting on the bed beside Maud who lay on the bed. It seemed as if Maud was injured as he was bandaged and that too a lot, he looked a bit funny but Linley kept it to himself.

He slowly went in, as he did both Jean and Tarrion looked at him and Tarrion said "So, how was your test little boy", Linley looked at him in dismay he could not remember anything about a test.

"I don't seem to remember, what do you mean"Tarrion looked at him with a bit of shock, he was about to say something but Maud held his arm and said something to him, it was quite inaudible but whatever he said Tarrion and Jean both got up said farewell and left.

"What happened, teacher?" Maud looked at Linley almost smiling, "You want the long story in short?" Linley smiled and said, "Please enlighten me".They both laughed a bit to it, and Maud looked at Linley and said: "I guess one can say that I just found your dark side, boy".

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