The decision

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Star butterfly went back to the cave to find toffee. Hello toffee, are you there? Well well well, if it isn't the princess of queen moon butterfly coming here for a visit. Well I'm here for a bride you shall have star said really who is it? Right here star replied come again? I will be your bride star said toffee got silence for a few seconds and laughed hahahahahahahahahaha this is a joke right? Uh no, I'm serious. Toffee stopped and looked at star Toffee said yes if your OK star replied so no one put you up to this? Yes this is my choice, but if you rather choose someone else, I understand that I'm not attractive star said oh no i didn't say I wasn't interested. Toffee looked closer at star, walked around her in circle. Hmmm she is pretty, well alright but are you shure if your doing this, because theirs no going back toffee replied I know, but if I marry you will you promise to let my mom go and so as the high commissions go? My dear you have my word. And I would never see my friends again right? Exactly, when your with me as my future wife you will always be mine, and you will do anything that I say, so what'll it be? Star was getting silence, starting to get a blush. Perhaps I should a little more romantic. Toffee reached inside of his suit and holds the little box and kneel down. Princess star butterfly will you--- STAR DON'T Marco yelled you keep away from my girlfriend you monster. Toffee grabbed tom with his tail and swung him. Toffee wait stop, let me say goodbye to them star said alright just make it quick. Marco in my note I told you and the others not to follow me star said we couldn't let you go with him Marco said your not really going to marry him aren't you janna replied I'm afraid so. But star you have so much to live for ponyhead said I have to do this b-fly replied no you don't, their has to be another way Marco said their is no other way Marco if I don't do this, my mom will be gone forever so as the high commissions. Do have any idea what this monster might do to you star, his claws will scratch you like a kitty cat starfan13 replied nobody chooses my fate but me. B-fly you can't just marry a handsome creepy beast ponyhead said I'm sorry but, this is my decision star replied but star we would never see you again (sob) never ever, ever and ever FOREVER starfan13 cried will find another way to get your mom and the others back and-- Marco paused and Jackie spoked Marco.....she's right she's the only princess who mares her decision if she chosen this, will accept Jackie replied thank you Jackie for believe in me. Take care of yourself OK? I will star said tom got up and walked up to star. So when you made your choice, dose this mean.... Yes tom I'm breaking up with you I'm sorry. Oh b-fly I won't forget that your my Bestie ponyhead replied you'll always be my Bestie too. I'LL NEVER FORGET YOU STAR starfan13 cried I won't forget you too. Star promise me that you won't do any dark thing OK janna said shure I will. Its really happening isn't? Yes Kelly it is star replied. Star and Marco looked at each other in silence well this is goodbye....forever Marco said I know but its been nice knowing you as my squire, and my best friend. Star and Marco hugged each other goodbye Marco Diaz. Goodbye star butterfly when star finished her goodbye to star toffee use his scissors and open the portal she looked at her friends and went in. Suddenly moon and the high commissions appeared moon! Marco yelled Marco your here where's star? Moon theirs something you won't believe.

Star and toffee went out of the portal she looked at his house and she didn't notice how big it is. Do you like my old home toffee replied um yeah it looks....great but where did you find this place? Its a long story but let's go inside its getting a bit cold out tonight. They went inside and star was getting nervous about toffee. Your room is on the 3rd door on the right, you must get some sleep from now toffee replied star went upstairs and found the 3rd door on the right and went in, she sits down on the bed and holds her picture of her and Marco. When she looks at it she cries goodbye Marco, goodbye mom I won't forget you.

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