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chapter viii:

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chapter viii:



MINHO BEAMED HIS FLASHLIGHT ON a windowed door. The glass was fogged up, so you could barely see inside. "Come on. Open up," he said. The whole group grabbed the bottom of the door and lifted it up.

The room inside was dusty, but supplies were scattered across the floor. Frypan flicked on a lantern, illuminating the room more. I found a small flashlight and picked it up, turning the device on.

"Looks like people lived here," Winston pointed out, as we searched the room. "Where are they now," Newt asked to no one. "From the way everything else looks, I'm not sure we want to find out," I said, wiping some sand off of a light brown jacket. I picked the piece of clothing up and slung it over my shoulder.

"Let's pack some of this stuff up," Thomas suggested, putting on a coat. "Anything you think you might need. We'll split up, see what we can find. Meet back here." "Wait, Thomas." Newt tossed the boy a flashlight.

"I'll go with you guys, even out the groups," I said. I started following them, when someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I turned to my right, seeing Newt. "Be careful," he advised. "I will be fine. I'd be more worried about those two," I said, jerking my thumb toward Minho and Thomas.

"Wouldn't doubt it," Newt agreed, a smile at the corner of his lips. "I'll see you in a bit." I hurried after Minho and Thomas, leaving Newt with the others. The three of us walked through the abandoned enclosure.

We came across a more open area. I careened slightly off the boys' course. My eye caught a bag on the ground. I stooped down, picking it up. It was a reasonably sized bag, with several pockets and made of a light material.

I zipped the bag open, rifling through its contents. My hands closed around a cold metal, and I pulled out a gun. "This'll be useful," I muttered to myself. I attached it to the waistband of my pants.

I found a canteen filled with water, gun ammo, some granola bars, and a bandanna. I placed the bandanna in my pocket for later usage. I slung the bag over my shoulders and joined my friends. "What are we looking for out here," Minho questioned.

"Signs of life, people, survivors, anyone who can help us," Thomas listed. I noticed a lump in a chair and flashed my light on it. My eyes widened. Minho saw what I was looking at and froze. "Does he count," Minho said.

Our group of three walked forward, examining the body. "Shit," Thomas muttered, shining his light on the corpse's head. A plastic bag was tied around their neck. I gulped at the gruesome image.

Minho moved over to the lamp nearby, looking it over. He flicked the switch on it, before turning to Thomas and I. "They had power," Minho said incredulously. Thomas focused his flashlight on something behind Minho, a switchboard by the looks of it.

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