Chapter 12: Running out of reasons

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Hey guys! I hope you like last chapter! If you want to know when the next feels chapters are, they will be chapters 16-19. I will only be having 20 chapters so yeah. If my chapters don’t have feels for you then I don’t know what to say because I really try to make drama happen. Oh and just a heads up, I might be adding language once I remember the rating on this story. I don’t know if its PG or PG-13 so can someone help me out with that? Thanks and enjoy the story!


Just a heads up: the next few chapters, 12-19 basically, will be filled with drama!!!! Hahaha, anywas, no spoilers but just be prepared for feels and a lot of them. These will be in parts, named Bittersweet love (cute but sad I know). So yeah here you go!

Bittersweet Love part 1

Song choice: Running out of reasons by The Wanted

Leo’s POV

Life is very complicated and bittersweet. Let’s just start out that way. The world is a cruel but sweet place. One moment, it can give you everything you have ever wanted. Then, it can mix it up and destroy it. This all happened in a matter of time for Reyna and I.

Shut it out

What you heard about, what you heard about me

They say I’m rough, raw, loud

But they don’t know nothing, not a thing about me

One day, I was going to visit Reyna and hang out, but she wasn’t there. She did, however leave a note on the door:


Please meet me in the woods, in our usual spot. I need to talk to you.


I was concerned. Why couldn’t we just meet at her villa or she meet me? I kinda figured something was wrong. When I saw Reyna sitting on the grass under a tree we claimed a while back. “Hey. Do you wanna tell me what’s up?” I asked, concerned. She was hesitant to reply but with a long breath she started. “Leo….you don’t have anything else to hide from me do you?” she asked. I gave her a confused look like she was crazy. “Of course not. Why would you think that?” I asked. “Well…..” “Oh just great…I’m not gonna like this..” I sighed.

So tear up that list of things you wrote down, wrote down

Why you can never be with me now, not now

I know where you wanna be

“Someone slipped this note under my door a few days ago. I don’t know who it is but-” She started but never finished when I interrupted her. “It better not be-” “It’s not Jason. I know his handwriting and it isn’t his.” I exhaled the breath I had in my body. “Ok, sorry for interrupting. Please continue.” I say with a straight face. Reyna just rolled her eyes. “It was a list of things, bad things about you to me, about why I should reconsider not dating you….” My eyes were wide with wonder and anger. I wondered to myself, who did I piss off so badly for them to write a note to my girlfriend about things that sucked in my personality? “W-what does it say?” I stammer out, my body wrecked with nervousness. “It-it says that you’re disrespectful to girls, abusive, deceitful and will end up leaving the girl when they become disinterested……this will all happen in a matter off time so I suggest that you break up with him now before that all happens.” She read, her eyes filled with mixed emotions I couldn’t describe. Am I gonna lose the girl of my dreams to some stranger? (A/n: I hope you got my hints about who that is..)

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