Chapter 5: Neon lights

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Hey guys! Ready for more feels? Be prepared!!!


Song choice: Neon Lights by Demi Lovato

Reyna’s POV

So, I’m dating Leo Valdez. I really like going out with him, it’s just everyone gives us dirty looks. I understand why they would. He bombed Camp Jupiter and he beat the living daylights out of one of the very best praetors of Camp Jupiter. But they should also be past that by now. No one has the right to judge us. We really like each other and we really care for each other. I don’t really mind, but I think it might be getting to Leo.

Baby when they look up at the sky

We’ll be shootin’ stars just passin’ by

You’ll be coming home with me tonight

We’ll be burning up like neon lights

“Hey, you ok?” I ask when we walk down the paved road to amphitheater. Leo just turns to me and nods slowly. Everyone is making weird faces like two hellhounds walked into camp and haven’t ripped anyone in half yet. Octavian pulled me away from Leo, with full force away from him, like he was disgusted by Leo, which is how he feels towards everyone.

Be still, my heart cuz it’s freakin’ out

It’s freakin’ out right now

Shinin’ like stars cuz we’re beautiful

We’re beautiful right now

You’re all I see in all these places

You’re all I see in all these faces

So let’s pretend we’re running out of time

Of time

“Why are you dating that Greek? He bombed our camp. He beat up our praetor. And you do what? You sit there googly-eyed at him!” Octavian hissed at me. I gave him an icy glare. “Why do you care, Octavian?” “Well because our camp is running into the ground. You’re the only praetor left. Jason resigned after his face went numb from that idiot. He said he didn’t want to end up the same way when he sees you, has some stuff on his mind that would probably get himself killed. Percy went back to Camp Half-blood with those other people. You just walk around camp with that demon while I have to step up and be in charge. No one listens to me because ‘I’m not praetor’ You need to either put off some time for your job, or give the job to someone else.” He said deviously. I knew what he was trying to do “I will never give you the spot as praetor.” He just chuckles, evil and determined to run the camp the way he wants to. He steps up closer to my ear, his cold, heartless breath on my face. “Oh, suit yourself for now, Praetor, but I will get that spot or…you know what, I don’t want to spoil anything.” He said.

Baby when they look up at the sky

We’ll be shootin’ stars just passin’ by

You’ll be comin’ home with me tonight

We’ll be burning up like neon lights

I felt all the color drain from my face as the thoughts of what he could be thinking of doing to me or worse, to Leo. Leo noticed and asked “What did that teddy-bear killer say to you?” I smiled slightly. Leo always knew what to say in hard situation. “It’s nothing.” Leo gave that look like stop-lying-I-know-that-creepy-idiot-said-something-to-make-your-skin-crawl-so-spill. “Fine. Octavian told me that I’m spending too much time with you and that I need to put my head back into work because the camp is turning upside down. He said Jason resigned because of something you did. What did you do?” This time, his face lost color. He sighed. “After I beat the living daylights out of my ‘best friend’, I may have sorta threatened him that if he said anything bad about you that my hands would have gotten a hold of more than his jaw.” He said. I just stared at him in awe. I never thought I would ever see the day Leo would do that for anyone, for me. I hugged him to show him that I wasn’t mad at him for what he did for me. “Thanks Leo.” “You’re welcome. Anything else he said?” “Uh, yeah. He uh, threatened to take my spot as praetor because of everything I’ve been doing with you. I think he’s planning something, uh really bad, having something to do with you.” Leo let go. He looked at me like are-you-serious? “Leo don’t do anything. Yet. Please?” He gave in. “Fine, but one word..” “I know. You’ll beat him to a pulp for saying that and threaten him again and again, giving different scenarios of what will happen until he gets the message.” Leo just smiled. “Wow, you know me well already.” “Of course I do.”

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