Chapter 1

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Yuri pov



Ugh I have school today. I get up and get dress into this.

Oh I think I forgot to introduce myself well I'm Lee yuri

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Oh I think I forgot to introduce myself well I'm Lee yuri. Some people might now me as yuri the nerd but other people know me as blaze the fearless leader of the black angel gang and a street fighter. At school I'm a nerd but outside I'm a badass. You might be asking yourself why a gang leader is dressed as a nerd. Well I been kicked out of all the schools in Seoul Korea that this is the last school that will except me. This is why I dressed like a nerd. I can't get kicked out of this school or me and my gang will move to America. Well enough of me, now I'm going to head to school.

As I walked out the door ashley stopped me. "Why are you still dress like that?" Ashley asked. Ashley is my best friend, we been though thick and thin together and she is also in my gang, she's in the my main gang. She is a badass and if someone talks bad about her friends then she will beat the crap out of them.

Any way back to the story.

"Ash I told you, this is the last school that will except me, this is why I dressed like a nerd." I said. "Fine but if anyone bullies you then you will revel who you are." Ash said. "Ok mom" I replied back. "Just go to school" she said and I left to hell-i mean school. Ugh I hate going to school. One reason is because I got bully and I'm a loner. Sad life. But I chose this lifestyle.

As I arrived I hear people saying bad stuff about me. "Ugh look at the nerd" and "she's so ugly she should go die." They said. I ignored them and walked to my locker. When I opened it, water fell out of it and ruined my clothes. Lucky me. I heard people laughing at me. As I was about to walk away a voice stopped me. "Look what we have here" The voice said and I turned around and said bts. They bully me till I can't even walk. You might be thinking how come you don't fight back. Well if I talk back then my identity will be discovered and I have low patience, I was going to snap at him but I controlled myself. "Cat got your tongue" Jimin said. "No-o-o" I faked stutter. "It's your daily beating" Rap monster said. "Kick her" Said suga. And they all started kicking me.

After they beat me I went to the bathroom and changed clothes. And walked to class. As I walked in to class everyone glared at me. "Miss lee may I know why your late" The teacher asked. "Umm.. i... I was...feeling..sick"I said while fake stuttering. "Ok well I hope you feel better." She said. And I went to my seat. "Pss.. hey nerd do my homework" Jimin said. "Ne...e" I said.

Jimin pov
I asked yuri the nerd to do my homework, and I kinda blush while asking her. And yes I do have a crush on her, and yes I bully her. But I only bully her because she made me fall for her. A nerd. That's why I bully her. I know it's wrong to bully your crush but shes a nerd. I hate nerds. I hate her for making me fall for her. And I will make her regret making me fall for her. I hate her making me blush. I hate her. But I know how to get revenge. I will asked her out and break her heart. Just wait yuri. I will make you fall just like I fell for you.

The nerd has a secret : jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now