Chapter 10

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1 week later:

It was 6:39 in the morning as I walked to Ponyboy's house.

I decided since he was still sick I'd see him before I left.

Dally and Johnny walked behind me as I knocked on the front door.

Sodapop opened it smiling at me.

"Right this way Miss Cade." Sodapop said I laughed following him.

He led me to Ponyboy's room.

I walked into see Ponyboy sitting on his bed reading.

"Hey babe." I said running to hug him.

"Hey aren't you suppose to go to school?" Ponyboy said.

"I am but I thought I'd see you before I left." I said.

Ponyboy smiled giving me a kiss.

I placed my hand on his face smiling as Dally and Johnny clears their throats.

I pulled away sitting down as Darry came in.

"Ponyboy you gotta leave soon." Darry said I got up giving Ponyboy a look.

"You'd said you were sick." I said hitting him Ponyboy laughed.

"Come on. Bye Darry." Ponyboy said pulling me out.

We walked as school came into view I saw randy sitting on his car.

"Ponyboy before we go I gotta tell you something." I said.

"What is it doll?" Ponyboy asked.

"Iseedeadpeople." I said fast.

"What was that doll?" Ponyboy asked.

"I.see.dead.people." I said slowly.

Ponyboy gave me a look as his eyes soften.

"You see dead people? do you see Dally and Johnny?" Ponyboy asked.

"Yeah their both right there. Dally with his smirk and Johnny with his puppy dog eyes." I said pointing behind me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ponyboy asked.

"No idea didn't know what to say. And there something else." I said.

"What is it?" Ponyboy asked as laughing came.

We both turned to see Carter laughing while reading a book.

"Hey sis hey Ponyboy." Carter said.

"Ill tell you later." I said to Ponyboy.

"Come on let's get to school." Carter said.

He threw his arms around our shoulders as we dragged him down.

We got to school and walked past Randy.

I waved as the boys and I walked.

People started whispering as Carter went golly knows where.

Ponyboy popped his collar wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Just forget about them." Ponyboy said I nod.

We walked into school than to our lockers so we went our own ways.

I found my locker and took out my books for English.

"Hey Jessie." Cherry said to me than stop.

"Hey? why are you talking to me a greaser?" I asked.

"You've been spending time with your brother Leo Montgomery. And everyone knows your his sister because of the last name." Cherry explain.

"Okay than anyways do you want me to give Ponyboy anything?" I asked.

"Just tell him you two look great together." Cherry said.

"Thanks. I should see Ponyboy." I said shutting my locker.

"Talk to you soon." I said running to find Ponyboy.

(skipping day)

I watched Ponyboy run a lap on the bleachers.

"Jessie?" Dad asked as I turned around.

"Dad? what are you doing here?" I asked as he sat beside me.

"I heard what happened to Dallas." Dad said I scoffed.

"It's a little to late for that." I said as Dally said underneath me.

"Dad is grandma a witch?" I asked.

"What is your grandmother a witch?" Dad asked.

"Yes. She gave me this remedy." I said taking the remedy out of my bag.

"I didn't want you to find out this way." Dad said.

I looked at Dally than Johnny and than to Ponyboy who was still running.

"What am I than? I mean I'm not related to you guys." I said.

"Your grandmother is a witch. I think she gave you this so than you can see Johnny and Dallas." Dad said.

"What else are vampires real too?" I asked.

Dad didn't look at me but at the sky.

"Oh My Golly there is?! what has this world become?" I asked.

"Jessie this is serious you need to be careful. Vampires werewolves witch and demons are real." Dad said.

"OKAY EVERYONE THAT'S IT FOR TODAY!" the coach yelled.

"Okay I'll be careful. I gotta go see Ponyboy." I said.

I picked up my bag and ran down the stairs to Ponyboy.

"Hey you need great." I smiled.

"Thank you." Ponyboy said.

He wrap his arm around my shoulder as I held my nose.

"You smell Ponyboy Michael Curtis." I said.

"You love it when I'm smelly." Ponyboy said I laughed.

"Lets go to the DX I didn't get my pepsi." I said.

Ponyboy and I walked down the street.

It looked like it was going to rain so the sun wasn't out.

"We gotta go to court in a week." Ponyboy said.

"Yeah we do and I got a family reunion in three weeks." I said.

"Do I get to come?" Ponyboy asked I stopped.

I grabbed both of his hands and smiled.

"If you want too. I kinda don't want to be around ghost one and ghost two." I said pointing to Johnny and dally.

"They follow you around everywhere?" Ponyboy asked I nod.

"Everywhere. But that's not important. I'm trusty." I said pulling him to the DX.

Ponyboy's POV:

I held the door opened for Jessie at the DX as she walked in.

"Hey Sodapop." Jessie said.

"Hey Jessie Ponyboy." Sodapop said a little down.

Jessie went to get herself a Pepsi and some candy.

"You okay?" I asked Soda nod.

"Yeah I'm fine." Soda said.

Jessie came back with an arm full of candy.

"I'm hungry." Jessie smiled.

"For candy." I said Jessie kissed my cheek.

"That will be 23.50." Soda said as Jessie took out her money handing it to him.

She dumped the candy in her book bag as soda handed back her change.

"Thanks Sodapop." Jessie said hugging him.

"Anytime." Soda said as me and Jessie walked out.

Jessie Cade (PonyBoy Curtis love story)Where stories live. Discover now