Chapter 13

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I went back to the other side to avoid Isobel when I saw Aiden. But he wasn't alone. His arm was wrapped around some girl.

She had black long hair which seemed to have lose curls on the bottom. The sight of him disgusted me. The sight of him with someone else, tortured me.

He was the only guy that I actually really liked, besides Hunter.

He hadn't seen me, so I quickly just went somewhere else. The forest.

I'd like to think of this place as my running away sanctuary. The branches, trees, all so welcoming.

And I was hoping to find Slendy, so I can thank him for helping me.

"Slendy! Slenderman!" I yelled.

"We need to talk!" I yelled again.

I hoped those words would make him curious.

I heard rustling and turned around. He was sitting on the bench I always sat on.

I looked at him for a while, examining his features. I mean, not really the face cuz, you know...

But yeah, his body. He was still super tall. And skinny. Slender. I mean slender!

"Uhm, I just-uh-uhm, I wanted to thank you" I shook. "For helping me"

He just looked at me. I mean, no movement.

I'm usually the only one who talks in the conversation.

He got up and it looked like he was about to leave.

"Wait!" I yelled which caused him to stop.

"Listen, you're really nice and helpful and I could really use a partner in crime like you. Do you have any other form or body that looks like a human or? Cuz I don't know, I just-I just need someone." I choked on those last words.

I need someone. Anyone.

He looked down. From his head, I could tell it was a no.

"Alright then, I'm-I'm gonna go now. On my own. Hey, that's the only person I can really rely on, huh?" I said walking away. "Myself"

I kicked a few leaves as I left the bench.

"I'll show you my true identity, when you show me yours" he said coldly.

I turned around, but he was gone. Once again (!!!)

"Wait!" I yelled.

True identity?

I'm just a ghost...

"Hannah? Is that you?" I heard someone call.

I turned around and thankfully saw Luke.

"Hey, how did you find me here?" I asked. This place was deep in the woods.

"You'd be surprised. I know this forest pretty well. It's cold out here though, should we go back?" he asked. He was talking really fast which made me curious.

"Uh, yeah. After you" I said.

He nodded and began walking.



"Get your tickets here! They won't be out forever!" a guy said swinging a piece of paper.

"What is that?" I asked Luke.

I assumed he would know. He grabbed a paper and looked at it. His reading face was really cute.

Gosh, snap out of it, Hannah.

"Oh, its this banquet thing the ghost world has every year. We basically celebrate all the dead people and their hard work on earth as humans. And they give out awards like 'nicest human' 'meanest human' 'nicest personality' 'most popular' 'nicest smile' and stuff like that. I went last year. It's really fun" he explained.

"Oh, it does sound like fun. When is it?" I asked.

"Tomorrow night. At 7:00" he said showing me the paper.

It said:

••••{Ghosties Banquet Bash}••••

Time: 7:00-10:30

Where: Scarlet Eye Banquet Hall

Dress Code:

Ladies- Wear a formal dress

Gentleman- Wear a suit (tie optional)

Food will be served. Music, entertainment, and the awards ceremony.

Awards will be one wish from the council and a room on the Kings Palace Floor.

Hope to see you there!

••••{R.S.V.P Margaret Brown}••••

One wish. And a room on one of the richest hotels in the entire ghost world.

I'm going.

"Me too. It sounds like fun" Luke said.

"You were reading my mind?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you were thinking about going with someone other than me" he smirked.

"What makes you think I'm going with you?" I asked lifting an eyebrow.

"You weren't thinking about anyone else" he remarked.

"What if I was?"

"Then I would be extremely hurt and beyond offended because I thought we actually had a nice friendship"

"You want to go as friends?"

"Unless you wish to go as my date, then yes" he said tucking the paper into his back pocket.

"Let me think about it"

"However long you need, love" he said and drifted away.






Hello my lovely readers!

I couldn't wait any longer, here's a super cute chapter that I wrote.

Do you think Hannah and Luke should go as friends or more?



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