Chapter 16

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"I still haven't seen your full face, Hannah" Luke said.

We were both on the swings again. It seems like it's our 'hangout place'

"What're you talking about? Yes, you did. I wasn't wearing a beanie or glasses during the banquet last week."

We argue about this literally every time were together.

"But you were wearing so much make up. It covered your natural beauty" he smiled.

I looked away to hide my smile. Gosh darn it, Luke.

"Why do you want to see my face so bad? Haven't you given up already?" I asked.

"Hannah, I've known you for like 2 months now? That's about 60 days. For 60 days, I haven't seen your face. Can I please see it?" he asked.


"Please, Hannah. Why are you so afraid to take off your glasses?"

"I'm not afraid." I said.

"Then take them off"

"I can't." I said.

"Why not?"


"Because why?!"

"Because! If I do, then YOU'LL be afraid."

"No, I won't!"

"Yes, you will!"

"How do you know?!"

"Because. I've seen it, Luke. Even I was scared. I know that you'll be scared, also!"

"You don't know what I've seen, Hannah. We all have secrets. I won't be scared!" he said.

"STOP LYING!" I yelled.

Then I stopped myself.

"What?" I asked.

He looked confused.

"What have you seen? What have you seen that can possibly be worse than my face?"

He looked down. And that at me. I had a curious look on my face.

"Myself" he said.

I took a step back. Yeah. I'm a bit scared.


"Hannah. I need to tell you something."

I didn't say anything. I was still standing in the same place.

"Actually, I better show you."

He held out his hand. "Do you trust me?"

I looked at his hand. And then his eyes. Those blue eyes. Hesitantly, I took his hand.

"Yes" I nodded.

He gave me a half smile and led me to the woods. The woods?

"Luke, what are we-" I stopped talking when he let go of my hand.

I leaned my head against the left as I wondered what was happening.

"Hannah. Something happens, every time I get mad. Or sad. Or nervous. Or a angry. Or anxious. I come here to escape. But, I don't just come here to escape my emotions. I come here to escape, well, look." he said. He backed up until I couldn't see him anymore.

I took a step forward and tried to see him. I then heard him come back so I moved back to my old position.

But he wasn't that cute, skinny, silly teenager. He was a tall, faceless, scary monster.

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