Chapter 23

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After stabbing Hunter, I rushed to my house to check on my wound.

Some of it healed, but there was still a scar. Kind of like the one on my face.

I kept looking at it until I heard a few kids laughing.

Isobel's POV: (Izzy's back oh yeah!)

After making sure Hannah left, I invited a few friends over later that day.

I invited Olivia, Dan, Hunter, and one of my newest best friends, Dede Medrano.

Because I'm mad at Hannah, I decided to bother her friends. If she has any. Well, her ghost friends. By playing a game that can bring them here.


All 5 of us gathered around the table. Dede brought the board over and opened it. To be honest, I was scared. Hannah is a ghost. She exists. So, what if there are other ghosts?

We all got the planchette and placed our fingers lightly on top. We turned off all the lights, and lit two candles.

"Okay, who's going first?" Dan asked.

We all shook our heads. "I will." Dede said.

She's daring. Dede can basically do anything she wants without being scared. That's what I like about her. She's strong, and fearless. Especially at times like this.

She took a deep breath before asking a question. "Do you know who I am?"

We all looked down to see if the planchette moved.

I looked up at her and noticed her staring at the letters.

"Maybe it doesn't-" Hunter was interrupted by the planchette shifting sideways.

I gasped as I saw it land on the letter 'D'

Then, it continued to spell. E-D-E

I immedietly let go. "I don't want to do this."

"Isobel, relax. Who moved it?" Hunter asked.

"I didn't." Olivia said.

"Neither did I." Dan said.

Hunter looked at Dede.

"It wasn't me either." she said.

"It must have been you, then." Olivia said.

He looked up at her and laughed. "It wasn't me."

"Let's try it again." I said placing my fingers back on the board.

"I thought you didn't want to-"

"I changed my mind. I'm not a chicken. So, let's do this." I said.

I am not going to be classified as the chicken of the group.

They all looked at each other before placing their fingers back on the planchette.

"Hunter, why don't you ask a question?" Dan said.

"Hmph, sure." he said.

"Spirits, if you are there, listen to me. Emily? Are you there?" he asked.

"What are you doing?!" Olivia asked.

"Dude! You can't just ask Emily's spirit to come and visit us. What is she wants peace?!" Dan yelled.

"I just wanted to see my friend for a second!" He defended.

"What if you just disturbed her peace?!" Dede yelled.

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