Chapter 24

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There was nothing we can do. No where we can go. I learned one thing tonight. And only one thing.

Never. I mean, never, piss off ghosts.

I know it's Hannah. All of this is Hannah. Every bad thing is because of Hannah.

Hannah. Hannah. Hannah. It's all about her. When can there be Isobel? I swear if we were sisters she would probably be the favored kid.

But, in case you haven't noticed, Hannah, this is Isobel. It's me. I'm me. And in my life, you don't get to be the star.

"Isobel! What's going on!?" Hunter yelled. I couldn't tell him, right?

"I'll fix it!" I yelled running upstairs. "Hannah! Hannah! I know it's you. I know you can talk to Brooklyn! And Aiden! And Lexi! And everyone who died! We screwed up, okay? They're haunting us. All of us. Please! Help me." I yelled. I looked all over but didn't see her.

"Beg." I heard her say. I turned around and saw her standing, with her hand on her stomach.

I looked over at her hand, but then made eye contact with her bright eyes. "Excuse me?" I asked.

"You heard me just fine. Beg." she said in a harsh tone.

"You want me to beg for help?" I asked.

"No." she said. That's a relief.

"I want you to beg for my help." she said. Oh.


"Hannah, please. Please help me. And my friends. We were just playing a game."

"And you didn't realize that doing something stupid would come with consequeces?" she asked.

"No. I wasn't thinking about that." I answered looking at the floor. "Please Hannah!" I asked again.

"You're not convincing."

"I'm trying my hardest!"

"No, you aren't. Beg!" she yelled holding her stomach again.

I suddenly remembered the night I stabbed her. I stabbed her in the back, and it went all the way through her stomach. The same place that she's holding right now.

"Hannah, you're hurt. Let me help you." I said taking a step towards her.

She backed up. "No."

"What? Hannah! I stabbed you! Not even a ghost can heal from salt. The salt! The salt is probably spreading in the wound! You have to let me help you!" I said.

"Help me? Help me?! I begged for you to help me the minute you even put that knife in my back. But you ran away! You ignored me. You didn't help me. And now you want to help?! Haven't you realized that it's too late to help. You either do it right away, or you don't. And you? You didn't." she yelled.

"Hannah! Get over it. Let me help you." I said.

"No." she said holding her stomach even tighter. I need her. I need her to help me. She can't die. Not without fixing everything. Not without fixing me.

She fell on the ground. Without a single sound. It was so light, that I didn't even her a thump as she fell. I only saw her.

"Hannah!" I said rushing over to her. "Hannah!" I tried grabbing her but I only went through. This idiot. "Let me touch you! Hannah! Let me touch you!" I repeated.

"I can't die. I'm already dead! How is this killing me?! Why?! How?!" she yelled trying to get back on her feet.

"Am I dying from death?! Can that happen?" she asked.

"I don't know. Maybe. I used the salt, that gets rid of ghosts and spirits-"

"You! You did this to me! I tried to help you! And you stabbed me in the back! Two different ways. How could you?!" she yelled.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! But you have to let me help you!" I yelled. I sat there in front of her, helpless. I couldn't touch her. She wouldn't let me.

"You're useless! You can't help me!" she said.

"Yes, I can! I can open your wound and take out all the salt. Before it spreads-"

"No. No. Get away from me." she said backing up and falling down again.

"Luke. I need Luke. Call me Luke! Call Luke!" she said.

"I don't know how to call him! Tell me how to call Luke!" I yelled. How can she possibly call Luke when he isn't even in the same world as us.

"Scream. I need to scream!" she said, this time looking more determined.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"I need to scream! He said that if I ever need help, I should scream!" she said.

"Then scream!" I yelled.

She looked around, and then looked down. "I can't. It's not- I can't. I-"

"You need help."

"No. No, I-"

"Shut up and tell me what I can do to help." I said.

She looked at me for a few seconds, but then nodded. Finally.

"I need you punch me." she said.

I laughed. "Pardon?"

"Punch me. I want you to punch me. Right here." she said pointing to her wounded stomach.

"Why would I put you into even more pain?"

"So I can scream! So Luke can come and get me out of this hell hole and take me to like an asylum."

"Why would you want to go to an asylum?" I asked.

"Because, soon, very, very soon, I am going to lose my mind. I'm going to go mad. I mean, that's what the lady said. Salt can make you mad if you survive." she said.

I tried to understand what she was saying. "What lady?!"

"Nevermind! Just punch me!" she said turningg skin color. I was having doubts. But if I punch her, she screams, Luke comes, takes her to an asylum, she gets better, and then she helps me. Let's freaking do this.

I placed my left hand on her shoulder and put my right hand in a fist. "Where?" I asked one more time.

She groaned and winced in pain. Ouch, right in my ear. "Here." she said.

"You ready?" I asked.

"YES!" she yelled. Again, in my ear.

I turned away, and launched my arm as hard as I could to her wound.

The second my hand made contact with her stomach, she let out this thing. It'd be an understatment to say scream. It was like a wale. A howl. A screech. Combined.

It was so incredibly loud, that I didn't even hear it.


As she got to the end, her voice started to crack and squel, which completely damaged my ears. I had to place my hands to cover my ear, but that didn't even help.

I saw her throat turn red and veiny. I could tell that her own scream is hurting her.

But, her mouth closed and her throat became white again. And she fell. This time,

I heard it.

{hey! please give this chapter a vote and comment if you want me to update soon!!

and also, I'm sadly getting to the end of the book...;(

but that's all I can say for now. after you vote, I want you to have the best day ever :-)

oh, you can read "The Corpse" if you want. it's just as good as Hannah and Isobel-}

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