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The paper works were finally finished last night. The chocolates he gave me didn't just relieve me from stress; it also became an energy booster. Today I woke up with a light heart and mind; the chocolates gave me happy thoughts as well. I decided to not stress over something not worth stressing out. I was preparing to go when a knock came to my door.

"Yes~?" I replied

"Y/n-ssi" Namjoon called from the other side, "Are you ready to go?" he asked. I walked towards the door and opened it and came face to face with a full dressed Namjoon.

"About that..." I bit my lower lip, "I won't be going with you guys today. I'm going to the office." I smiled apologetically.

"Oh, okay. Be careful. Bye" Namjoon said with a smile and waved as he walked away.

As soon as he was out of sight, I fetch my things, from the purse to the paper works and made my way down the building and into my car. I have been going to the office more due to the tons of work to do with the current project and also from emergency meetings. Today is another day of it and I spent my whole day at the office, working with boss and co-workers.

Night came and boss declared for a rest. We were done for today and I checked my phone to see it's already late. We did a lot of overtime making the project progress faster and boss decided to make tomorrow a free day. It's up to us to continue working or to rest. I went back to the dorm, only greeted by silence and I assumed they're probably all sleeping already. I readied myself to sleep when I was surprise to receive a text...from Him again.

Are you home?

Me: Yes.

Can I come?

Me: Okay.

Seeing I was done for today and tomorrow is a free day, I decided to give this time to tutor him. It's my job anyways and I shouldn't have neglected my duties. I stood up from bed and made my way to the desk. As I wait for him to arrived, I pulled out some notes and questionnaire for another teaching session.

A knock came making me jump from my seat. I exhaled as I stood up and walked to open the door. The sight was surprising, not that I wasn't used to seeing him in pajamas but my eyes lingered on the huge paper bag he's carrying.

"Uhh, what's that?" I wa still eyeing the paper bag with a raised brow before looking at him and saw him smiling

"Why do you always keep me outside? let me in first" he pouted and my eyebrow raised even more.

I sighed and opened the door as he pranced inside, sitting at his usual chair near the desk. I was glad my thoughts aren't frustrating me anymore. I started to walk towards the desk when my heart suddenly jumped. I halted for a moment to clutch my beating heart but continued walking, a hand still on my chest.

"Are you okay?" he asked as I sat in the chair next to him.

"I think I'm palpitating." I said and chuckled softly

"I told you. One cup of coffee a day only." He sighed, "Anyways," he said as he crouched down to fetch something inside the paper bag he brought. I looked at him, trying to steady my breath as he sat back up and held out a bouquet of sunflower.

"What's this?" I said, scrunching my eyebrows, confused by his action

"A sunflower?" he said

"Of course I know what this is" I rolled my eyes, "But..." I sighed, now frustrated again, this time from my excessively beating heart, "I may be thinking wrong but I don't want to assume things, so I just want to clarify-" he interrupted me, making me look at him in the eyes, face full of seriousness.

"You're not assuming." He smiled softly, "I like you Y/n-ssi" he looked at me with all sincerity and I looked back, still trying to sink the happening in my brain. I let out a disbelieving chuckle.

"This is...not happening" I said as I shook my head in disbelief

"Y/n." he asked as he held my free hand.

"This is a prank right?" I let out a nervously laugh and he chuckled as well.

"No. This is seriously true" he smiled. My heart jumped at the sight of his smile and the closeness of our face. I felt happy, but it felt wrong.

"You can't" I chuckled, accepting my faith of being just a best friend

"What do you mean? His smiled faltered, now full of concern

"You're an idol. I'm just a staff and a tutor. I'm good with being just best friends" I smiled

"No, you don't understand. I have feelings for you!" he gripped my hand tighter, I sighed

"As a fan I know what people with think if they find out" I looked down to our holding hands

"We'll keep it a secret for now." He bargained

"That's unfair to your fans. Your agency will be against it as well. And the boys...I don't want them to think badly of me" I looked down to our holding hands. He sighed

" least answer my question." He said. I looked at him but he was looking down, eyes on our hands.

"Okay" I nodded, feeling pity in my gut.

"Do you feel the same way?" he asked as he looked up to meet me in the eye. His question made me want to cry, I don't know. Yes he was my bias in the group but seeing all the consequences for a relationship like this, it's just too scary.

"I'm scared." I said, tears threatening to fill my eyes as I looked down.

"You don't have to be scared. We'll be together in this and I'll always be there for you." he said. We stayed still as I think all of this through. My racing heart says it all, I confirmed I have feeling for him, though it wasn't deep, my heart and mind seemed to agree for the first time. After a moment of silence, I managed a nodded. He chuckled, "What's that supposed to mean?" I looked up to see him smile but unsure.

"I feel the same way. So let's give these feelings a chance" I grinned at how cheesy my words came. He suddenly engulfed me in a hug, letting out a chuckle of relief and I unknowingly did the same as I hugged him back.

My heart was still beating fast but I felt calmed and at home in his arms. I forgot for a moment on how we could keep this blooming relationship a secret. But as for now, all I can feel is relief and a hint of happiness. I didn't know I was longing for this moment until now...Now that I'm engulfed in his sweet scent and broad shoulders. After a while, I suggested we'd go to sleep because they'll be back practicing tomorrow. I stood up and pulled him up from the chair and to the door.

"Can't I just sleep here? I don't want to go back." He laid his head on my shoulder as we stood near the door, holding my hands so I can't open it.

"You know you can't. We just started this secret thing and you're all ready to blow it up." I chuckled and he looked

"Right." he giggle, "Good night" he was trying to suppress a smile

"Good night." I grinned

"Good night Y/n" he grinned and I giggled to his attempts on staying longer

"Go on now." I can't stop giggling as he showed me a pout and swayed from side to side, "Good night Jin" we both grinned and he leaned down to leave a kiss on my forehead before heading out the door.

Hi 😗 bye

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