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I didn't go with the boys today because I was called for a meeting the office. It was for real this time. We were meeting with a client who wanted for someone who could design a 2 storey house that would be suitable for the modern day but would also fit into the taste of a family. And boss recommended me so they talked with me about the details. The couple looked like in their 50s or 60s maybe, and they look familiar but I disregard it thinking Koreans have so many similarities I sometimes mistake them with one another.

Seeing that I am busy nowadays with the agency and other projects, boss hyung decided to manage the project so I will only be able to do the designing and probably the modeling of the house. I didn't argue with him anymore especially I have something later to think about. We're currently out at lunch, them deciding what to order, and I have been deep into my thoughts when Jen unnie nudged me.

"We finally ate together after a long time but your mind is still not here." She said, it's true anyway
"Sorry unnie" I forced a smile
"What's bothering you? You can tell me." she said in a whisper so the others won't pry. I looked at her for a while before speaking.
"Unnie. I need help. Should I buy or just wear one of my old dress?" I asked not really explaining in details. She narrowed her eyes on me but she seemed to have guessed what I mean. She suddenly stood up.
"Hey guys, we'll just eat somewhere else." She announced as she pulled me up and the others began complaining, "Girl bonding" she said and we went straight to her car.
"Where're we going? I'm hungry" I whined as she drove out in the street.
"We're gonna go shopping!" she exclaimed, more excited that I am.
Before we went for shopping, we decided to eat in a restaurant inside the mall. This was supposed to help me with my silly problem but I am glad it somewhat feels like a legit girl bonding which we haven't done since ages. We sat there chitchatting while waiting for our order.
"So, what's the dress for? A date I assume?" she began asking and teasing which made my heart beat fast again, remembering the event tonight.
"Unniiiiiieeee~!" I whined and acted like I was crying
"WHY-WHY-WHY~!" she asked, shocked by my expression
"I'm so nervous I can't do this." I said as I clutch both of my hands at the side of my head.
"I said why? Care to explain!" she said, so done with my whining.
"I'm meeting his parents..." I said closing my eyes, now wanting to cry literally.
"Omg. What to do." She said, eyes frantically looking at the table. Just before the two of us faint, the food came. "Eat this, eat this. We'll have to but a dress right away." She said, comforting myself and herself with the food.

We arrived at the ladies' section and immediately my second mom, Jen unnie, picked every dress she finds appropriate and shoved me with them inside the dressing room. She kept passing me dresses inside, and some shoes to pair it with until I came out to show her the first dress. I felt like a model as I keep going back and forth changing into dresses and showing them to her. It took us almost an hour to decide one, so we ended up choosing anything what we like. But I have already chosen from one of them.

"I forgot to ask..." she trailed as we walked in the parking lot to where her car is. "who's the lucky guy?"
"We haven't really told anyone yet. I want to ask our parents' permission first, if that's okay with you Unnie" I said, considering her feelings about it.
"Alright, I won't push further." She said "Just make sure you tell me first before your stupid hyungs" we laughed and saw her car in the distance.

It was almost dark when we got out of the mall's parking lot. I was about to worry how to get home considering I rode with the boys' van earlier and walked to the office, but Jen unnie had offered to drive me there instead.

It seems the boys aren't back yet for the moment I stepped inside, it was silent. So I went straight to my room and laid the dress I chose, admiring its beauty. It was a maroon dress, sleeves that stopped just below my elbows, with no prints or design, it was just plain but I loved how simple it looked like. I will be pairing it with cream colored high heels, just as plain as the dress.

While waiting for them to arrive, I decided to take a soothing shower to make my skin look soft and presentable for later. Also to wash my worries away and calm my throbbing nerves. I think I fell asleep, due to my lack of sleep last night that I came back to my senses just when I hear my phone ringing outside. So I hurriedly finish my bath and went outside with just a towel wrapped around me.

"Bosshyung!" I answered. "Yes, I'll probably start it tomorrow."
We talked about the new project and the new details the client wanted to change when suddenly my bedroom door opened.
"Y/n--" I saw Yoongi opened and traced back his steps outside closing the door back as he saw me standing with just a towel to cover myself. I froze for a moment, mouth agape, forgetting about the real world. I snapped out of my thoughts on how to murder myself when I heard bosshyung already screaming my name.
"Ah yes boss!" I said blinking my eyes as I went to lock the door. "Yes" "Note taken boss" "bye" and the call ended.

There was no need for me to check whether they've arrived or not, given that I saw Yoongi, just not in the way I planned to. Brushing that memory out, I dressed myself up with the brand new dress, remembering to cut the tags off before doing to, and was trying to put some makeup on when my phone buzzed.

Handsome Student: Yoongi said you're home. Excited?
Me: More like nervous
Handsome Student: are you ready? I'm going down now
Me: Ok. Just text if you're already down
Handsome Student: sure mademoiselle~
Me: Tssh. I'm wearing heels, I'm dying.
Handsome Student: lol you didn't have to
Me: But I want to look tall
        especially when beside you
Handsome Student: I think you got taller
Me: Really?
Handsome Student: yeah because
                              Yesterday you were in my heart,
                              now you're in my head
Me: ...
Handsome Student: what's that for?
Me: I'd rather go with your Dad jokes
Handsome Student: I knew you would ;)
                             I'm already in the car

I rolled my eyes as I continued applying my makeup. I let my hair fall down, only clipping the sides for a clean and neat impression. After that I doubled check everything from my dress, heels, price tags, makeup, hair, perfume, and my purse. Now that I have everything I waited for the 30 minutes to finish before opening the door.
"Yoongi!" I exclaimed and let out a nervous laugh
"I was just gonna inform you that Jin went to his parents, in case you'll go searching for him. But I guess you have somewhere to be going." He said monotonously as he eyed me from head to toe.
"Yes..." I trailed not really wanting to make an excuse.
"And...where might this be?" Yoongi narrowed his eyes at me
"Just some party with friends." I forced a grin as I felt my lips tremble so closed it back into a smile.
"mhm...Just make sure you don't get drunken again." he said and walked back to his room.
I sighed in relief and proceeded with our plan. I happily walked in the parking area, searching for Jin's car and literally skipped on my heels as I saw him got out and stood in front of it. He was grinning as I made my way to his car, eyeing me.
"You look lovely." He said as he walked, eyeing my back and went at the side of the car to open the door for me. "Get in, my lady" he gestured and smiled.
"Thank you, young man." I said as I approached and got inside the front seat of his car. He went to the driver's side, bucking our seatbelts and drove out of the building and into the streets, to wherever our destiny might lead.

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