Chapter 4

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The cave entrance was little more than a jagged crack in the mountainside, not too far from Berk’s coastline. Wind drafted in and out like the hot, wet breath of a Scauldron itself. The riders were gathered outside it, clutching various fishing poles and nets, as well as an assortment of weapons.

“I don’t wanna go in. None of our dragons can fit in there and I don’t think we can handle this alone,” Tuffnut complained, edging away from the cave.

“Coward,” Ruffnut muttered, poking her head through the hole. “It’s black as a Nightfury’s belly in there. We’re going to need some light.”

“Aye, that ye will, and ye’ll need some protection if yer tae get in and out alive!” came a voice from behind them. It was Gobber, with Toothless in his wake. “I remember when I was a wee laddie, all the young vikings would fish for eels in that there cave. Full of them in there, wriggling in the deeper cave pools.”

“So what happened?” Astrid asked, “Why haven’t we heard of this cave before?”

“Well, it wasn’t known as Scauldron Cave back then, oh no lassie. It was just called Eel Cave in those days. One of them beasties swam in from an entrance deep underwater, made it his lair. Nary a soul has been in there since.”

Gobber sighed wistfully as he examined the entrance, sniffing the air inside.

“I’ve brought Toothless to come along with ye. He’s just about flexible and scrawny enough to wriggle in, although after he ate my fish he might struggle, the greedy little grubsnatcher.”

“Toothless…bad dragon,” Hiccup chastised, giving the recalcitrant Nightfury a rap on the snout with his knuckles. The dragon snuffled and rolled over, staring up at Hiccup with big, round eyes. 

“Oh don’t give me that act. You knew that fish wasn’t for you.”

“Well, he can make up for it now by helping ye through the cave. Save me a couple of eels when yer done in there, at least I know slobberchops over there won’t steal those from me.”

Toothless growled at Gobber’s words, then with a fluid leap and a scrabble of claws, he disappeared into the cave.

“Don’t worry Ruffnut, I’ll protect you!” Snotlout yelled, snatching a torch and following Toothless into the darkness. Ruffnut rolled her eyes and grabbed Tuffnut by the scruff of his neck, dragging him into the cave behind her. A white faced Fishlegs accompanied them, squeezing his portly frame through the rocks.

“Well, I guess there’s no turning back now,” Hiccup muttered as Astrid jumped through. With a deep breath, he ducked in.

The cave reeked of brackish seaweed and brine. As Hiccup’s eyes adjusted, he could see that the ground was slimy green and treacherously slippery underfoot. Fortunately for him, his peg leg was able to find purchase on the uneven ground.

“Trust Gobber to have fond memories of this place,” Snotlout said, “It stinks worse than Tuffnut’s armpits.” 

“You’re one to talk,” Tuffnut retorted. “You haven’t had a bath since last month.”

“Guys, quiet,” Hiccup cautioned, snatching Snotlout’s torch and holding it up high. “I don’t want the Scauldron to know we’re here. We’re sitting ducks right now.”

The light illuminated a long, thin tunnel, the ground pitted with pools of water. Crabs scuttled away from the light, sliding into the pools with barely a ripple, holding their pincers aloft. Toothless had already begun his way down, his Nightfury eyes adept at finding their way in the darkness. 

“I hope you’re all wearing your riding boots. I bet those crabs could snip a toe off with those claws,” Ruffnut said worriedly.

“It’s not my toes I’m worried about,” Snotlout said, covering his groin protectively.

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