Unplanned Game?

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Sophie's POV

I woke up in my room. Edaline was sitting at my desk reading something. She must've heard me shuffle around because she turned to me and smiled.

" How long have I been out?" I asked. She walked over and said " Only a day. You collapsed from exhaustion along with Keefe and Linh as soon as they found out you were okay."

I decided to slowly get up not wanting to get dizzy and collapse again. " I'm going to talk to Fitz." I said and she left me be.

(Bold is Fitz and Italic is Sophie)

Hey Fitz!

Hey Soph. You feeling better?

Yeah much. Do you want to hang out?

Sure. Why don't you come over here?

Okay see you soon! With that I severed the connection.

I changed into leggings and a teal tunic. I put her hair into a side braid and went to the leapmaster.  I  told Grady and Edaline goodbye.

When Everglen appeared around me Fitz wasn't there. " Sophie!" Biana shouted.

" Biana?"  I asked. " Hi! Fitz said you were coming over and I decided we should play Basequest so I may or may not have invited Keefe over." She said grinning evilly.

Fitz's POV

I walk outside just as I hear about her inviting Keefe. " Biana! What did you do?" I ask frustrated. " I invited Keefe over for Basequest."

30 minutes later.

" Okay so now that we have agreed that I am with Sophie lets get started."

We played for a few hours and in the end me and Sophie won before she went home Alden called her into his office.

Sophie's POV

" So what did you want?" I asked. " Can you reach Silveny to get her to come here otherwise we will have to send you to her." He said.

I closed my eyes and said Silveny?


Can you come to Havenfield for a checkup?


Then can I come to you for a checkup? I pleaded


It'll just be me I promise.


" Okay so she refuses to come here but she will let me come to her." I explained.

" Okay we will send you in a few days." He said.

Okay that is it for now. I hope you are enjoying so far. That is if you are actually reading this. Expect some interesting chapters to come.

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