Saving Ivar

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The army had been taken by surprise. While Ivar called for a retreat he'd hesitated to make sure the bulk of his army got away. Meaning he was open for an attack. Although instead of hunting him down like he imagined they would. Ivar found himself captured.

Ivar glared out of the window. He kept looking for the army, he knew they were coming but how long it would take was a mystery to him. He'd been in the tower so long he'd lost count. His only companion was the princess of a kingdom that his captors had destroyed. He thought for a relic of a lost kingdom she was pretty, useless, but good to look at.

"The longer you stare the longer it will stay the same." You grumbled. Ivar scoffed, not sharing what it was he was looking for.

"I imagine it will change a lot by the time you get out of here." Ivar taunted bitterly. You scoffed, shuffling in your corner.

"I will get out of here, I have a plan." You muttered. This made Ivar scoff. He hadn't found a way out and you'd been held a few days less than him.

Days past and Ivar started to notice a change in the patterns. Guards were replaced and swapped, armies gathered. Everything was off and Ivar was so paranoid that he'd forgotten to check the window. "Your plan to get out. I assume all this boter is your doing!" He snapped.

Before you could answer the door to the tower was opened. You watched as four guards moved toward sIvar, weapons raised as he slithered to the door like a beats. You hissed and shouted as you were grabbed by each arm and dragged out. Ivar was dragged along in front of you, carried so carelessly that you flinched each time his feet smacked against the steps.

Ivar was tossed to the ground while you were forced into a side room. A glance at Ivar's face made you think of a hunting dog that had been reached to it's brink.


"Come on then." you sighed. Ivar was roused from the hours long beating to see you groomed, clean and in a ornate dress. "We do not have long."

Ivar reached for the clothes you threw at him, making a low growling noise of complaint when you dabbed at his face with a cloth to remove the blood. "Where do you expect me to go, why are you..." He trailed off and gestured at you.

"The prince demands he marry me so that his father may claim my army. My father was stupid, I told him how to use our army and he ignored me." You paused as you helped him up, leaning him on a stolen sword to help you balance his weight. "Would you reject the advice of a woman?"

"It depends on the advice." He grumbled, wincing as he tried to help you move through the corridors. You reached the wagon you'd managed to procure and Ivar winced as he saw the pire pilled with a few men and women he recognised.

"War advice." You snapped looking over at him as the wagon moved away from the city. "The remains of my army is big enough to triple your army, my father had no clue how to use it."

"He sounded like a terrible king." Ivar said as he felt himself falling asleep. He smiled when he heard you mutter an agreement.


"You should let me help lead your army." You said to Ivar who was sick of the reasons and excuses you cam up with to be involved in his revenge against your captors.

"Is it not enough that I have not claimed you as a Thrall?" Ivar groaned glancing across the boat to where you'd sat.

"No. Allowing me to help ensures my army added to yours, strategy is important but so are sheer numbers." You muttered, glaring at him until he laughed.

"I could simply take your army." He muttered and you rolled your eyes.

"You will not." You said lightly with a smile to yourself.

"Oh, how to you know I would not?" He asked as he looked back at you.

"You have not claimed me as a Thrall." You said smugly, pointing out Ivar's fondness of you and stopping his objections. He shook his head and smiled as he looked over the water, defeated into silence.

Ivar Ragnarsson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now