Bang Bang (Part Three)

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No one mentioned you to Ivar anymore. It had been a week and despite Hvitserk watching you pace his penthouse several times, fully intent on phoning Ivar, you had yet to follow through.

Ivar's mood deteriorated into sour, bitter anger which made everyone around him nervous. "Ivar I can't come with you." Ubbe sighed after a long hour of pestering.

"What will I do? You want me to be all alone?" Ivar grumbled. Ubbe groaned and ran his hand over his face.

"I will go." Hvitserk sighed, seeing no end to the argument and wanted nothing more than the meeting to end.

"After you spent so much time away from us?" Ivar asked accusingly.

"Ivar I have friends outside of this. I have been with them so don't get angry with me for having people in my life other than you." Hvitserk snapped, sick of Ivar's accusations about his home.

Ivar raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything else as he grabbed his crutches, leaving the office and heading to the elevator. "Hvitserk." Ubbe said as Sigurd rushed off and Hvitserk began to slowly follow Ivar.

"What?" He answered, sounding more irritated than he had meant.

"Did you find her?" Ubbe asked and Hvitserk glanced away with a sigh. "Ivar swears her phone is with you. That you seem off and I have to agree with him."

"What do you think I did? Kill her?" Hvitserk hissed as he scowled at Ubbe.

"Ragnar thinks she should be. Having her around now is a distraction for Ivar, we all know that. He'd rather be with her than work. If he asked you to could you do it?" Ubbe asked, glancing behind Hvitserk as his brother shook his head and backed away.

"No Ubbe. I couldn't. She trusts us and we're all the family she has left. No. How can you even think that asking me something like that would be ok?!" Hvitserk shouted and turned to leave, freezing when Ragnar smiled at him.

"Because if she tells anyone about what is happening we are ruined. All of your brothers understand. Ivar asked to see her first if we catch her." Ragnar stepped closer to Hvitserk. "Why are you so suddenly willing to go against me, this family?"

"Because I'm not willing to start murdering this family." Hvitserk snapped and stormed out to the fire escape, jogging down the metal steps to his car, mind a buzz when Ivar's driver pulled up in front of him.

"If we don't go now we won't drink enough to be drunk." Ivar said as if he was bored.

"Ivar I don't think..." He started but Ivar cocked his head.

"Fine we shall go to your house and have a brotherly time, if you are not able to go out." Ivar offered, grinning when Hvitserk yielded.


Hvitserk had never wanted to leave a bar so quickly in his life. He'd fiddled with his phone most of the night and chain smoked through all his cigarettes. "I mean. It's not even like she's bothered to call."

"Ivar she would have tried. Maybe she isn't ready." Hvitserk offered, frowning as a message from Bjorn flagged up.

"Father says I am in love with a girl that is so disillusioned with me that I have to gain her affection. He's right. She always looks so irritated when I show up." Ivar said and Hvitserk had to stop himself from saying something he'd regret.

"Ivar she only looks like that when you turn up to places even though she said she wanted to go alone. You've been with each other since primary school. Don't you think that's long enough to take a break from each other?" Hvitserk muttered.

"No. I like to see her everyday. She should like seeing me everyday. I'm very nice to her!" Ivar summed up and Hvitserk rolled his eyes.

"Ivar... You can't expect (Y/N) to enjoy being kept like a pet." Hvitserk adviced and shook his head when Ivar scoffed and defended his possessiveness.

When Ivar trailed off Hvitserk turned, stomach dropping when he saw you. The pub was close to the house and you'd been with Hvitserk twice in the last week, getting comfortable in the environment. Hvitserk cursed softly as Ivar started shouting for you.

"Ivar! You'll scare her off again, she saw us kill people you idiot!" Hvitserk hissed under his breath.

Ivar used his crutches to barge through the crowd, ignoring people as he pushed through. Hvitserk hesitated, answering his phone as he hurried after the two of you. He knew you would head straight back to the apartment and he'd be done for as well as you.

"(Y/N)!" Ivar shouted and you finally stopped. When he got close enough he leant all his weight on one arm, stroking your cheek with the back of his hand.

"I..." You started to say but realised you couldn't think of anything.

"Do you need a new phone?" Ivar asked and you frowned, shaking your head. "Just I assumed that you'd lost it. I won't be annoyed if you do, we can go home and borrow one from my father until I get you a new one."

"I have it." You mumbled. He nodded curtly and glanced at Hvitserk who was further down the street arguing. Ivar tapped his fingers against his crutches so as to fill the awkward silence.

"I missed you." He muttered quietly. You were taken aback by his sincerity. Ivar showed his affection with overly showy PDA and expensive gift. "I really did."

You went to hug him, missing your best friend too. Suddenly a hand was over your mouth and you were lifted off your feet. You bit down and kicked and screamed as loud and hard as you could while someone else shoved Ivar to the ground and held a gun to him.

"Hvitserk!" You screamed. He dropped his phone and bombed up the road, his own gun held steadily until a gun cocked against the back of his head.

"Don't be dumb Hvitty." Someone grunted and Hvitserk sighed.

"Dad's gonna kill you for this." He snapped as he had no choice but to lower his weapon.

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