Christmas Prompts

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"Are you sure that you don't need help?" Ivar asked and you tutted as you almost dropped the whole line of lights you'd hung up.

"I've got it!" You insisted and he chuckled as he tapped the edge of his crouch against your little step ladder.

"Ok. I'm putting the cards up over here." He informed you as you continued, despite his offers.

There was a few moments of silence filled with gentle holiday music until several small thuds and a sound like more lights dropping crashed through the living room. "(Y/N) are you ok?"

"Oh yes I'm fine!" You called as Ivar shuffled to the door to let in his brother and the tree they'd fetched. "Umm just so you know, I'm kinda stuck in the christmas lights." You called and he laughed as they moved to the living room to rescue you.

Ivar Ragnarsson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now