Ivar the fool

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"I Heard that she has never lost a battle." Hvitserk muttered over the table. Harald scoffed.

"There has to be at least one she has lost?" He asked and Ivar shook his head.

"No, she has not lost one. She is also a great leader. Her people adore her." Ivar said with a giddy tone. Hvitserk glanced at his brother to see the dreamy look. "Her people over threw her old king to put her in power."

"You sound as if you are waiting to meet her." Harald joked, watching the young viking gaze of wistfully.

"Who would not? She sounds wonderful." Ivar said, scowling as Hvitserk laughed at him.

You let out a low laugh. Ivar's eyes flicked to you as you chuckled. "I do not know if I am all that great."

"You are (Y/N) the great queen?" Hvitserk asked as he leant over Ivar who was staring at you.

"Great queen? I am not sure about that. I simply listen to my people." You muttered.

"I imagine that many a king has asked for you?" Harald asked and shot you a sly smile. You laughed at his words, making him frown with disappointment while Ivar continued to stare like a startled child.

"Remember to breath brother, you do not want to faint and look a fool in front of your queen now would you?" Hvitserk hissed playfully in Ivar's ear, slapping the back of his head to get his attention.

"My queen?" He asked softly. You hummed as you glanced up from your meal and looked at him to ask what he meant. "I... my... I... Hvits... I!" He sputtered out through a loud wheeze which had Hvitserk laughing so hard he was clutching the table with soundless laughter.

"I have heard of you. Both of you. But especially you Ivar. you are a great warrior." You stated simply and Ivar nodded furiously in response. "Perhaps you could advise me in how to secure my lands. Your father was also helpful but he wished to return. I regret not being able to partake in your revenge."

"Ivar would be glad to help you. We would enjoy stories of our father. We had wondered where he had hidden." Hvitserk said when Ivar made an odd squeaking noise.

"I will send one of my maids to fetch you. But if you excuse me I must see that my people are fed and have somewhere well guarded to sleep. King Harald." You bowed politely to the king, thanking him for the hospitality and new trading prospects before leaving.

"You are a fool. She liked you." Hvitserk scolded while Ivar stared after you.

"Do you think she is a goddess?" Ivar asked breathlessly and Haral let out a loud laugh.

"No goddess would seek advice from Ragnar." He said with a soft chuckle. "A goddess would not need advise."

"Beautiful women do not catch your eye brother, you look for what makes them fighters, not what pleasures they could bring you... " Hvitserk trailed off and rolled his eyes when the door opened and Ivar tipped himself back so far that he almost fell of his chair, scrunching up his face when he realised it wasn't you.

"How do I make sure no other man has her?" Ivar asked, genuine curiosity and worry that she may be swept up by someone else made him sound his age which brought a bright smile to Hvitserk's face.

"Seduce and marry her." Hvitserk said while Harald gave his answer.

"Kidnap her." Harald's response resulted in a quizzical look from Hvitserk while Ivar scowled at his bowl.

"Well which one. I cannot do both. If I take her she shall hate me and if I seduce her she... I do not know how to seduce her. I shall kidnap her." Ivar muttered and glanced at Hvitserk who slapped his hand to his face.

"No Ivar. I shall help you." Hvitserk sounded exasperated as he ranted about Ivar's lack of understanding women.

"How do you know she likes me?" Ivar whispered again. Hvitserk lost count of the times Ivar had asked him the question as the night had gone on.

"For the same reason I know that the woman over there shall lay with me tonight. I am your older brother and I understand women better than you." With that he flicked Ivar's forehead and left him sat at the table, rubbing the sore spot while wondering how Hvitserk could possibly know anything of value.

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