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I never thought I'd be the one to cheat. I know how it feels, to have someone you think you love cheat on you. Last year, I caught my ex-boyfriend, Nick, or as I prefer to call him, The Jerk Who Broke My Heart, sucking faces with some snotty nosed girl from the bar.

His plead, "Baby, I'm sorry".

I suspected he was messing with other girls behind my back. I came across some repulsive pictures of a girl in his phone. His excuse was "a couple of my friends were looking up porn sites on my phone". I knew I shouldn't have believed him, because that girl just looked too familiar. I realized she went to my high school four years ago.

Anyway, I've been dating a new guy for a while now. His name's Luke and he's so much better than Nick. He's sweet, loving, caring, smart, everything you could ask for and more. Plus he's sexy, like sexy sexy. His beautiful blue eyes and his muscular arms. His big bright smile. Sorry I'm throwing so much stuff at you, but I really like him.

One day he invited me to his house to chill. I sat on the couch, while he went to the kitchen to get us something to drink. From behind me, I could hear footsteps, descending down the stairs. I turned my head to see a guy, wearing only sweatpants, his bare chest visible. Hot, I thought, but I shook that thought out of my mind. I had a boyfriend, who was just as hot. I looked at the guy's face, which seemed much too familiar. He scratched the back of his head, yawning, as he disappeared into another room, not even realizing I was present. Here's where the problem comes in. I recalled where I knew him from.

It was last summer, the night I caught Nick with another girl. We were at a friend's birthday party at Incognito, a club downtown. I walked through the dim club, trying to fight tears. I wasn't gonna cry over seeing my boyfriend, well now ex-boyfriend, making out with someone else. He just wasn't worth it.

I entered the VIP room, sitting down on the red lounge sofa. There was barely anyone in there, just a few people, everyone else was out on the dance floor. I held my forehead, sighing in discomfort. Besides the hurt of not being with Nick anymore, I had some alcohol in my system. From the corner of my eye, I could see a hot guy sitting on the other side of the sofa. I turned my head slightly to look at him. It was...Taylor, I think his name is. He was already looking at me, with squinted eyes. He looked dark and mysterious and I liked it. He got up and approached me, taking a seat next to me. He was so much more beautiful up close.

"You look like you're having a good time", he said, with no hint of sarcasm. "What's wrong?"

"I'm over this party" I sighed and shook my head. I gestured my finger towards the door. "My boyfriend's out there slobbering over some blondie."

"Well your boyfriend's an idiot, I don't even have to see that blondie to know you're way hotter than her.", he said.

I rolled my eyes and looked away, trying not to blush.

He chuckled. "I'm over this party, too. What do you say we have a little party of our own, get your mind off the douche you had as a boyfriend.

"I knew exactly what he was getting at, but I played along. "What kind of party?", I asked senselessly. I could tell he knew I was playing along and I was up for his idea.

"How about I show you." He took my petite hand in his strong one, leading me towards the door. As we exited, Nick was entering, coming to plead for my forgiveness. But I snubbed him and continued on with the other guy, leaving him watching me, pissed off.

And that night, I had sex with the familiar-looking guy, in the bathroom of the Incognito nightclub.

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