Niall Horan Imagine Part 10

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PREVIOUSLY: You an Niall had a fight. You go over (Y/BFF/N) and then Niall comes there. You go to your room in (Y/BFF/N) house and start to cut you hands. Niall takes you to the hospital. The doctor comes out of the operation room and says ''I'm sorry...''



''I'm sorry for what happend. (Y/N) lost a lot blood and now we need to do some testes to see if any of you guys have the same blood type as her '' He says to me.

''Okay , I will do everything just to save her '' I say to him all my body is shaking . I cant open my eyes I cried soo much. I go to tell the other what the doctor said and we to to the tests room. Some doctor takes our blood and one of them said '' We will tell you the results for an hour '' 

One hour passes like one day. I see the doctor coming out of his office.

''Well I have the results here..'' He says and looks on the piece of paper that he has on his hands. '' Mr.Niall Horan  has the same blood type as Mrs.(Y/N)'' He says to me.

''Were should I go so the doctor can take me blood ?'' I ask him soo fast I don't know if he understood me . 

''Sure follow me '' He says to me. I follow me and we enter a small room. After 30 min they start to get some blood from me for (Y/N) . I hope she gets better.




The took some blood from me and now they are giving it to (Y/N). I hope she opens her eyes .

''We are giving her the blood and she will maybe wake up for 3 - 5 hours '' A nurse says to me

'' Can I at least get in her room ?'' I ask the nurse.

''Sure , but if she wakes up you have to call us ''

'' Okay, Thank You very , very much '' I say to her

''No Proble sir ''

I open her door slowly. I can't see her in this way with her hand warped. I start to cry again I cant handle it. I kiss her forehead. I lay next to her in the bed she is laying. I warp my arms around her waist and sleep. When I wake up she has her eyes closed.

I get up and ask the boys if any of them can get me a cup of coffee. Harry says that he will get me a cup of coffee and I thank him. Harry bring me the cup of coffee and I drink it and kiss (Y/N)'s cheek. I look at my phone and I have 5 missed calls from (Y/N) mom. I don't know if I should call her and ruin her weekend because she isn't in the country. I will call her when (Y/N) get up. In that moment (Y/N) moves her leg. I jump and sit on the bed.

'' (Y/N) can you hear me. It's me Niall. I'm sorry just please open your eyes '' I say to her and call for the doctor.


(Y/N) POV :

I slowly open my eyes. I'm in a room I've never see it before. I see Niall siting next to me . His eyes are red . Maybe he cried.

''(Y/N) are you okay ?'' He asks me 

'' I'm fine, where am I?'' I ask

''In the hospital'' He replys

I stay quiet and then I ask him.

''Why are you here? You don't love me anyway ''

''Please (Y/N) don't say that I love you soo fucking much and you know that don't you? I should lisened to you not the fucking game'' Niall says to me and he start to cry. I hate to see him this way. I want to hug him and tell him how much I love him.

'' Well I don't know if you love me or not but I need some time to think , okay?'' I say to him

''Okay'' He says and he gets up and exits the room.

The boys , Perrie , Eleanor (Y/BFF/N) came in my room . They all asked me the same question ''Why did you to that?''....

After we talk I say to them that they should go, I'm fine to stay alone. They all agreed and say their goodbyes to me.

''Should I forgive Niall ?'' I ask my self and close my eyes. I should call my mother.

I pick the phone. My hand hurts soo much. I dial her number 

''(Y/N) where have you been I've been caling you and Niall for like 100 times'' She shouts to me

'' Calm down mother. I'm in the hospital and I will be free to come home tomorrow so I will see you tomorrow'' I say to her and end the phone

I get o sleep. When I wake up I call Niall. He opens the phone in the fifth ring




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