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the one with their (sort of) first date
turning page, after page, after page

She wondered how she was managing to come up with lie after lie when she exited the hotel to wait for Harry. She stood nervously outside, her feet shuffling from site to side, her heels making noises as she tapped them on the pavement and then stopped when she heard a cough from beside her.

Charlotte looked to her side and Harry came into view in a black sweater, black skinny jeans, dark brown boots and holding a black coat. His hair was pushed back and his eyes were already on her when she finally finished examining his outfit.

"Shall we go?" he asked, a smile appearing on his face instantly.

She nodded her head and an inaudible 'yeah' croaked out of her lips.

Harry bent an arm on his side, inviting her to loop her arm with his. She stared at him carefully and finally decided to hook her arm with his. Charlotte could see him smile as he looked forward and she stared at his profile again. So amazed and mesmerised by his perfect features.

His nose was so adorable she wanted to poke it and nudge it with hers, his long eyelashes could be seen clearer from the side, his lips were slightly pouted - his upper stretching out more forward than his lower. She could stare at him forever.

Harry noticed her eyes on him from his peripheral version and smiled at the thought of her being intrigued by him. He thought she was beautiful. From her blonde hair to her turquoise greenish eyes. She was so petite that she only reached his shoulder, but he didn't mind. That way, if they ever had the chance and if she ever allowed herself, when they hugged she could bury her head in his chest and he would be able to lay his head on hers.

They were walking down the slightly dark streets of Paris, Harry trying to remember the location of that nice restaurant he cane across once when he walked to work one morning.

Charlotte was looking around, as she was told earlier that Sebastian would be around town having a business dinner with Alexandre, his soon-to-be business partner. She sincerely hoped the dinner went well. And she sincerely hoped they wouldn't cross paths tonight as he thought she was on a girly night out with Audrey, her closest friend in France.

Audrey and Charlotte met last time she was in Paris. They were both inside Saint Laurent when they both simultaneously saw a horrible looking back and cringed at it. They bonded instantly, majorly over their similar taste in fashion and their love for trying new food.

Charlotte made a mental note to herself to ring Audrey and tell her she was in town, so they could meet up sometime and catch up. She was so into her own thoughts that she hadn't realised that Harry had stopped in front of a restaurant and was looking at her intently.

She brought herself out of her reverie and looked at where they were standing. The plaque on top of the restaurant read 'La Veraison'. She remembered Audrey once told her that she just had to try it. "The revue on Tripadvisor are all excellent!" she said in her envious French accent, her hands moving around to display her love for the restaurant.

She stared at the restaurant with wide eyes. The place seemed to be quite expensive and she felt bad if Harry was intending to pay for their dinner.

"Are you sure you can afford this?" Charlotte asked carefully, not trying to sound above him but failing so, "I don't mean to be rude, but I tend to eat quite a bit and I wouldn't want you to have to pay for a whole lot and-"

Harry cut her off with his hand, intending for her to stop talking. "Charlotte, stop. One of my mates is actually the owner of this restaurant and he said he'd happily make a discount," scratching his neck, feeling a bit embarrassed that he had less money than her.

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