annoyance - pt 2

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At this point, you were fucking done. In your mind, you were half debating on just going back to the street you came from -- it would be better than dealing with a possessive, vampire-like demon that had rape vibes just simmering off of him. 

You had confronted Sebastian about what had happened, since you couldn't remember much. The amount of time you spent unconscious was ridiculous and the only reason that Ciel didn't release you from the job for, obviously, not doing it, was because Sebastian had told him that you came down with a high fever and influenza like symptoms. As a result, your absence was excused. However, you were commanded by the Master himself to return to work as soon as possible; he didn't want to take care of a person who didn't do their job and simply leeched off of him. 

One of the first things you accomplished when you awoke was confronting Sebastian. You asked what was going on, and demanded to know exactly why he bit you and 'poisoned' you the way he did. He explained as follows: 'To put it simply, it's not a real poison. At least not to my kind; it is a pheromone that can be injected into a human, quite like a shot would inject anti-virus medication. It can be done many ways, including sexual intercourse, biting a person, kissing them. Anything that would open up to the inside of the body.  As they do that, they release the pheromone, which interacts with the person's body. Of course, humans biology is different from demons and so, don't respond to it well. The pheromone won't cause permanent harm, but when around supernatural creatures, they will be able to pick up on the scent of it, which would prove that the person was already claimed. Each creatures smell different. I'm sure you understand now, correct? Since you seem to think you know everything.'

'Thank you, Sebastian. For entering a dangerous, foreign substance into me because you decided that you liked my body.' you thought. Bitterness was obviously laced in your tone, even mentally. You were outrageously pissed. Why shouldn't you be? You didn't ask for this in any way. Does that count as molestation? 

It had been weeks since you had gotten over the effects of the pheromone and were able to do normal things, like talk and walk around instead of being stuck inside of a bed for 24 hours a day, all week. Honestly, the chores were nice. It felt good to stretch your legs. Everything seemed nice, and all your relationships with the persons in the Manor were improving and growing. Even Ciel seemed to find you at least decent. Sebastian was the only person who's relationship wasn't going anywhere, and he was getting angrier as the days passed. You refused to talk to him, or acknowledge him in any other time than when he was passing out the chores for the day, wouldn't eat any of the food he cooked, as you would rather go hungry than risk you getting poisoned, drugged, or intoxicated in any way that could lead to him being able to take advantage of you. 

Granted, your efforts were in vain. He was a demon. He could do almost anything he wanted, when he wanted, and wether you were intoxicated or not made no difference in what he did to you. But, it made you feel some sort of security in knowing that your mind wouldn't be clouded with judgements if a situation arose. Unable to act on his anger in any way other than passive-aggressive comments here and there, he decided to go to someone who would. Ciel. You had been called to his office...and that is where you were headed currently. 

You made your way to his office, which included many twists and turns throughout the Manor's halls. You were more familiar with the layout than you were when you first arrived, so there were little to no errors in making your way to where you needed to go. When you reached the large door, you reached your right hand forward to rap only twice. It was silent. Dead silent. Only after a few moments, did the door open to reveal a slightly smug looking demon and an indifferent Master. 

After shooting dull daggers at Sebastian, you gracefully glided into the room and bowed towards Ciel, keeping your {e/c} eyes downcast and your posture respectful. "Yes, Master? May I ask why you called me into your office?"

The Earl did not respond. Instead, he stared at you with a narrowed blue eye, his hands clasped loosely together, his elbows on the table, leaning forward in his chair slightly. It seemed as if he was assessing Sebastian, as well as yourself.  "What has happened between the two of you." His voice was firm but not loud, and it certainly wasn't a question. It was a statement, and the Earl wanted to know why two of his servants were quarreling with each other. Especially since Sebastian looked like he wanted to talk to you, and you looked like you were going to take an axe to Sebastian's face. 


thank you guys so you! <3 

a demon's pet {Sebastian Michaelis / Female Reader} - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now