an unpleasant surprise

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Your [eye color] eyes slowly slid open, the dull light coming from the window nearby making you turn your attention to the horizon. It was purple and pink with little streaks and splashes of gold; it was dawn, which meant that you weren't late, but you would have to hurry in order to make it in time.

You slid out of bed, to the wardrobe. A maids dress had been placed for you inside yesterday, so you would be able to work appropriately throughout the day. You took your time putting the dress on, not thinking too hard about it. To your dismay, the corset that you tried to put on was not cooperating with your wishes. Your fingers got tangled in the strings and it took forever to tie back properly. By that time, you were sure you only had a few minutes left to make it to the enterance hall, where the orders where going to be given out. 

Growling to yourself, you quickly arranged your hair with the comb that was on top of the wardrobe. After making sure that your hair was decent, and putting on black flats, you raced down the corridors to the place you were supposed to be at. By this point, you knew that you were late. You were screaming in your head. 'Why did the stupid corset have to be a dick? I'm screwed!'

You bolted down the manors stairs, not noticing the butler at the bottom. You glanced up at the last minute, leaning backwards to try and and keep yourself from bumping into him. It didn't work. You collided with him, but the man didn't budge. He simply stood there, annoyed. His eyebrow was raised. 

"You are late." 

You winced. Now you would have to deal with him. "I know. I'm sorry. There were...difficulties." Since your hands were on his chest, you used your position to push yourself away from him, taking a few steps back.  The butler spoke again, his voice full of irritation, "Thirteen minutes late. You will have to work harder in order to make up for this lost time. Otherwise, you might just have to be shooed back into the streets." The wine eyed male paused for a moment before a mean smirk dawned his face. "Like the dog you are."

Fury surged through your chest and as you opened your mouth to give him a piece of your mind, he suddenly grabbed your hand, yanking you back up the stairs.  You were stumbling to keep up with his fast pace. "A-Are you going to tell the Master?" Sebastian didn't respond. 

"You are supposed to give me my assignments!" You yelled at him, clawing at the hand that was pulling you with him. 

"Change of plans." He didn't even glance back at you, and his pace didn't falter. You were moving through hallways and pasts doors and paintings that you weren't familiar with. You had no idea where you were. He dragged you to a room at the end of a hall, opening the door and pushing you inside. You stumbled, unwillingly, into the dark room, immediately turning around.  You didn't want to keep your back to the butler for long. 

He stepped inside after you, calmly locking the door. Turning back to you, he growled lowly. His eyes gleamed a bright magenta, his pupils turning into slits. You backed up multiple steps, putting some distance between the two of you. This was way too much for you. You didn't sign up for this. You were prepared for some abuse, maybe some starvation here and there, but this? Hell no. Demons weren't part of your agenda. 

You only knew he was a demon from a few things: one, he had called himself one 'hell of butler; two, briefly, Ciel had called Sebastian a demon briefly in your encounter with him; three, he was standing right in front of you with weird eyes, and weird darkness that was looming behind him. 

"I didn't sign up for demons!" You yelled at him. Your hands were balled up into fists, your face was pale and your anxiety levels were through the roof. You didn't need this. 

"[First name], I don't know what you are talking about. You must be mistaken." A wide smirk was  across his lips. He was playing with you; like a piece of prey. You continued to move backwards, away from him, but he just continued to stalk forward. You growled lowly, owing yourself into the wall that you felt behind you. Now, you were seriously trapped. Yelling for help was out of the question. No one would hear you.

"You have just arrived here, dear. Even if you screamed for help, whom do you think they would believe if you told them what happened? Myself, or a lowly peasant begging for a job?" He snickered lowly, close enough now that his breath hit your neck. You pushed your hands against his chest to get him to move, but he payed you no mind. He was already pinning you against the wall, keeping your movements limited. 

Before you could even think, you felt his teeth connect with the sensitive flesh of the left side of your neck. At first it wasn't bad, but he bit down harder, sinking his teeth into the muscle. He stayed that way for a while, seemingly doing nothing.  Sebastian leaned back, letting his teeth dissconnect from you. Almost instantly, blood started rushing down your body; down your neck, collarbone, down to your left breast. The taste of it made the demon growl. He leaned forward to lap up the sticky red liquid, his eyes not leaving yours. You tasted quite nice...maybe even better than Ciel.

"W-Wh...," you stumbled on your words, unsure of what to say, before snarling out, "Why the Hell would you do that?!" You were filled with utter shock. Rage. Disgust. 

"I have marked you, dear. As to why, simply because I wanted to. Maybe you don't feel the connection, but I do. In time, you will come to enjoy being mine." His voice was thick with what sounded similar to lust, and he licked his lips, getting rid of any of your blood may have lingered  there. "Don't worry about the pain. I'll take care of you." Sebastian's smirk was evil. There was nothing gentlemen-like about this person. Whoever thought he was a good person, whoever thought that he would ever love someone, was utterly wrong. There was a malicious intent there. Nothing else, it seemed like. 

You wanted to scream. You wanted to cry and hit him so hard he went all the way down to the 9th Ring of Hell. You wanted him gone. There wasn't anything you could do, however; your body wouldn't move. You were paralyzed. Black and white spots took over your vision, pain flared everywhere, and you slumped down to the floor, ready to throw up. Everything was spinning and in a few moments, you were unconscious, unable to take everything that was going on. You tried so hard to stay awake, but your efforts were in vain. The worst of it all was the last thing you had seen was Sebastian leaning over you, smiling sweetly, as if he cared for you. Ha. You barely caught the last thing he said, but it made your skin crawl. 

"Sleep well, dear."

a demon's pet {Sebastian Michaelis / Female Reader} - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now