finding a place

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A grim air settled upon London.

Black clouds drifted above the city threateningly, rolling into the sky in masses. There was going to be a heavy storm, and mother nature has never been gentle. You were preparing for the worst.

Your body was trembling due to the cold autumn air, and the tattered [favorite color] coat wasn't helping, no matter how close you pulled it to your body. Sadly, however, you were used to the harsh treatment from the weather as well as the people who resided in the town. At the age of simply nine years old, you were cast out by a cruel Master that had no need for your services. It had been 9 years of living out on the brimming, dirty city streets, becoming a lowly scavenger and thief to get what you needed to survive. Whatever the cost.

The coat you were currently huddled to had been stolen a few years prior and was almost shredded to pieces after the abuse from wear it had endured. It was better than nothing. Upon returning to the allyway that you called 'home', you made sure to be cautious as you slipped in. As far as alley's go, it wasn't too bad. Of course, litter was scattered here and there, but for the most part, you kept the place clean. With how easy it is to get diseases, you opted to be as clean as you could. After all, it was yours. Your place to protect and live, and if people came by to claim it as their own, they never left without scars, and they never came back. 

Heaving out a large sigh, you sat down on the cold rock ground, absentmindedly playing with the sleeves of your jacket, staring blankly at the wall of yhe building that was in front of you. You glanced over at the cardboard box that was set in the corner of the ally, right next you. The box flaps were soggy from previous rain, but they at least kept the items inside mostly dry. Or at worst, damp. It helped that the building that you had your back on had an awning attached to it, which further prevented the rain from destroying your items as well as keeping you somewhat sheltered. Shelter meant less rain. When it was wet outside, and you were wt, it was easy to get sick. Sickness meant death. The warmest thing you had was a fluffy black blanket that was a gift from a kind man had had somewhat restored your faith in humanity.

You turned your head to face the street that intercected your alley, keeping a sharp eye for anyone that looked like they might come to take your things. For the most part though, it was  fancy nobles that pranced around like they owned the world. They may own the economy, but not the world just yet. Your body shuddered as a frigid wind ruffled you down to your core, leaving your teeth chattering and muscles convulsing. Cold weather was the wort part of being homeless. 

After spending many moments resting on the ground, you made the wise decision to rob someone or scavenge, whichever came first, in order to prepare for the storm. You had needed that time to rest and think before you set out. Slowly, you pulled yourself up from the groubd and stepped onto the busy street. Right away, you stood out; your clothes were ragged and dirty, whilst everyone else's were popping with color and showing the latest fashion. Lucky for you, people were so caught up with themselves that they didn't notice you. For the most part, at least. 

Your [eye color] eyes glittered with mischief as you darted around smoothly, searching for someone to rob. Someone that would be easy to take from. You walked along with the crowd, acting normal until your eyes settled on a young boy with dark navy hair, a cane in his right hand, his outfit complete and perfect to a T, from the small blue earrings he wore, to the heeled shoes. You didn't take from children. Ever; but your stomach was starving and you couldn't stand the cold. Eyes locked on your target, you moved forward, towards him. After following him for a few streets and still not getting a good chance to rob him, you began to growl in frustration. 

A window between the people appeared. Y could easily glide through to get to him. Just as you were taking your chance, you bumped headfirst into a person when they stepped in front of your path. Startled, you took a step back and were about to apologize, but no words came out. The person that you bumped into was gorgeous. He was tall, slim but obviously muscled, with dark hair and wine eyes. His suit was neat and perfect; based on the fact that it was black and white, you assumed he was a servant. Another person who had it good. Fine. Easy. 

a demon's pet {Sebastian Michaelis / Female Reader} - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now