Chapter 1: Frantic Escape

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???'s POV

Heavy breathing escaped my lips...

My chest pounding as I tried to catch my breath...

I don't usually get this tired from running, especially how I spent all of my time training since I was still young, but there was the feeling of fear in me, afraid that they might catch me.

I was on my limit, but I knew I shouldn't stop running until I get out of their reach.

I have been running for who knows how many hours have passed already. If I still had my motorcycle, I would've sped away already. But they must have had a sneaking suspicion of me since I have been acting strange lately, which I cannot deny, so they decided to destroy it when I was driving it while I was driving away from them.

Yes, I just ran away from that place... From them...


By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, have I? I'm sorry about that. Alright, I'm called--


"Aahh!!" I panicked even more when something flew right past me, nearly hitting my head although it grazed my helmet. Good thing I didn't stop and turn!

"Ah~ You missed again, Jun-chan!!~ Just a little bit more and you'll get her!!~"

"Sorry about that, Tsurugi! But I did get her helmet though!"

"It was just a scratch!! Be careful though! We were just ordered to catch her! They'll probably cut our pay if she dies!!"

Ugh, it's them... Of all people they had to send over to get me back, it's those trio: Tsurugi Kamiya-san, Yumikage Tsukimitsu-san, and Junichiro Kurumamori-san. But I'm not suprised as well, after all, they are the best team among them all.

"Here kitty, kitty!!~ Do you think you can get away from us, Miss 'Wildcat'?!~" Tsurugi gleefully yelled as they continued to run after me.

"I'm not a kitty, Mr. 'Balder'!!" I yelled back, not daring to stop and look back. "By the way, I thought you guys only hunt down vampires! Why are you chasing me when I'm just human?!"

"Here I though you were a great informant! Although that is true we hunt vampires, but we were ordered to get you with a very high price for your capture alive!!" Yumikage said as he began to shoot at me with his weapon.

I nimbly dodged them by jumping in the air. But as soon as I was about to land on the ground as safely as I could, Tsurugi quickly came up behind me with a grin. They planned this! There's no other safe place for me to land as they cornered me, and I fell for their trap!!

"I'm sorry about this, Miss 'Wildcat', but this is my job!!~" He said as he kicked me. I tried to block his attack with my arms crossed in front of me preparing for impact, but I didn't expect for him to send another kick to my side, sending me flying to a river, a loud splash could be heard before I slowly sank into the water.

I was too tired to swim up, although I could tell that they decided to stop chasing me. I can see one of them, probably Yumikage, answer a phone call and then left me there sinking in the water while I can also see Tsurugi leave with them with a disappointed look on his face.

I'm exhausted... I don't have enough energy to swim up to surface as I slowly lose conciousness. Last thing I saw was 2 figures standing there with the moonlight illuminated behind them, after that, there was darkness...

(To be Continued...)

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