Chapter 3: Welcome to the Secret Garden

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Normal POV

Now having a real name to be called with, Céline feels like a new person who can start a new life. Although, she still has worries that C3 might still go after her. So to hide her insecurities, she dyed her black hair to purple and cuts her hair as she adds a little wavy style to it to change her appearance a bit. Feeling satisfied, she cleaned up and went back to the room where she stayed for a while.

Since she rarely went outside, Mikuni goes out a lot to get food for her. Céline has gotten pretty close to him and his Servamp Jeje as she has seen some of Mikuni's side of personality, like how he would freak out when someone looks at his cute doll named 'Abel' with lustful stares, even though they weren't looking at her like that and annoys them, or whenever Jeje demands blood from him and he refuses, triggering the Servamp to shoot at him with his hidden guns under his long sleeves, with the blond dodging every bullet while laughing at him. Céline has gotten used to their often humorous antics and secretly thought how amusing it is.

As she sat on her bed, the door opened with a black snake slithering in. Showing no fear, she lets the snake wrap around her arm.

"Hello, Jeje," Céline greeted softly. "By the way, where is Mikuni? Wasn't he with you?"

Jeje nodded his head a bit as he made a small hissing sound. "He was getting noisy about his doll... It's annoying."

"Ah, I see..."

There was another silence in the room, however, the two seems alright with it. Céline was usually terrified of snakes for some reason, but somehow she feels fairly comfortable with Jeje in his snake form since he has a mind of his own and won't attack her. At first, she still gets nervous around him, but as time passed, she got along with him pretty fine.

The silence was broken when someone bursts into the room. It was Mikuni and his beloved doll Abel.

"There you are, Jeje! How cold of you to just walk off like that ignoring me and Abel! And here I also thought that you might've attacked Céline while she's changing or sleeping!! I can't let you do that! I won't let you defile her!!~" He yelled out a little dramatically, causing the snake to slide off Céline's arm and turn into his human form, letting out a dark aura as he readied his guns.

"Says the one with the dirty mind of Miss Céline changing and sleeping....." He growled under his paper bags, ready to shoot him. Mikuni ignored him and walked to Céline who was just watching them.

"I see that you decided to change your looks, Céline. It looks good on you, although I really liked your long black hair, but this looks nice too. I take it that you did this for a reason, right?" He asked as he smiles slightly.

"Y-Yeah..." Céline nodded meekly and smiled.

"By the way, is there anything you're interested in, Céline?" He suddenly asked.


"A desire to live by, I mean. After all, living in C3 all your life must've been tough, not being able to live through something you wanted. So I assume you have one, don't you?"

"Oh, umm... Yes, I do have one desire." She said as she played with her new hairstyle with her fingers.

"What is it? Maybe I could help you with that~"

"'Freedom'... I want to be free... Without anyone controlling me just to do what they want, even if it means hurting someone against my will."

Céline felt uneasy when she said the last part. She couldn't stand how she used to work back in C3. She likes doing her job, but hurting people and vampires, it's not what she signed up for. She couldn't even remember the time she first entered C3 and how she was born. She doesn't remember her parents, she doesn't even know her own name or if she even had one, so they decided to call her 'Wildcat' which is also her codename. It was like her memories of her past was erased for some reason. The only memory she had is working for them in years since young and how risky her job can be.

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