Servamp OC Céline Midnight's New Information Trivia!

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((A/N: Hi!! Kuromi speaking~ I'm here to announce that Céline has been "upgraded" and has more things about her that I haven't yet mentioned~ Might contain spoilers about her current status, so please read at your own risk!!~ X3))

New Information:

• Céline's biological parents were actually enemies from the start, but got romantically involved with each other, which resulted the birth of Céline. Her father was an enemy Informant and her mother was part of the Research Team of C3. They had kept her a secret from C3 until they were known to have died from an 'accident' and C3 took Céline in at young age to make use of her father's information gathering skills, which she somehow inherited.

• For some reason, Céline cannot remember her past. However, she has been getting a lot of headaches whenever something is mentioned that could be related from her past, which resulted a lot of flashbacks. Her memories were either erased by C3, or she lost them due to the trauma of her losing her parents at young age.

• Céline actually dislikes purple. However, she dyed her hair purple just to hide from C3 since they know about her likes and dislikes, so she changed herself to a different appearance so they wouldn't suspect a thing. But as time passes by, she slowly began to like the colour due to her current 'boss' Misono Alicein, whose favourite colour is purple and she's very loyal to him.

• It was later revealed that Céline and Mikuni were childhood friends. There's a possibility that she knew Misono as well when he was still a baby, but her memories were erased and couldn't remember anything of her past.

• Mikuni often likes to tease Céline and often flirts with her, but due to her personality, she's slow to pick up his intentions and gets confused.

• Johannes once mistaken her as Mikuni's "Secret girlfriend", which Céline denied as she just claims to be an "acquaintance".

• Jeje is protective of Céline and often acts like her guardian/father-figure. He is also quite fond of her as he calls her with the addressing name "Miss Céline" and often goes to her if Mikuni gets too 'annoying' and 'noisy'.

• Only Mikuni knows her real biological name before he gave her a new name. But he chose not to tell her anything about it just so to protect her from any danger if she remembers anything.

• Céline's OC Creator ((Me!!~)) first had the intention of not pairing her with anyone. However, she changed her mind after some encouragement from some friends/fans to pair her with Mikuni since they are both 'mysterious' and is 'nice to see two mysterious characters together', also adding that it's rare for Mikuni to be paired with an OC, according to her friends.

• Céline was mentioned from another fanfic written by BattleycryKYA called 'A battle we must fight for them' and plays the role of the "Support Character". According to the writer of the fanfic, Céline will make more appearances. ((I won't say much ^^"))

•Before Céline was created, her OC Creator had a lot of previous ideas about her design and character background. However, they were scrapped when a former classmate suggested for her to make a "Busty and attractive lady". They didn't know she was making a Servamp OC and thought she was just drawing to pass time. ((This is actually true))

• Céline's biological birthday is still currently unknown as her creator couldn't think of a birth date for her since she has another OC from a different fandom who shares her birthday. However, she has decided on an unofficial birthday for Céline as to when she was first created: February 02.

• When Céline and Mikuni played the Pocky Game, which Mikuni requested her to play with him on the Special Chapter of Misono's birthday, Mikuni covered their faces with his hat from the viewers. The Fanfic Writer purposely did that just to let the readers decide what he did to her, although it was already said to cause Céline blush, giving a small hint.

• Céline works an Informant for Misono, but often works for Mikuni as well and sometimes acts like a 'Transporter' or 'Bodyguard'.

• Céline doesn't know how to use a weapon, or is more like she's afraid to use one as she doesn't want to hurt anyone. However, she's skilled in hand-to-hand combat and will use force if she has to without relying on weapons. Her only current 'weapon' is a portable spray bottle of Holy Water given by Mikuni in order to protect herself from vampires who might attack her.

• Her cat-like flexibility will come in handy in later chapters as she will use it to get through a bar fence without any trouble and many more obstacles.

• Misono dislikes Mikuni getting close to Céline as he claims to be her 'boss', which the older brother counters as he "found her first".


((Alright~ That's all for now!!~ there will be more in the next upcoming chapters, so please stay tuned~ Thank you for your patience and enjoy reading !!~))

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